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cd/dvd/pxe testing (Re: Debian-edu, bite-sized bugs and the road ahead.)


On Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013, shirish शिरीष wrote:
> b. I know you are in need of testers, but testers in which scenarios
> would be helpful, could you please clarify ? What needs testing the
> most ? We would have access to a LAN so we could mimic/do the
> workstation-server scenario there. If there are any specific scenarios
> in mind we could do them there. Is anything to be stress-tested or
> what ?

we need testers of our wheezy images^wboot methods, those are cd+dvd images as 
well as installation via pxe.

how to test is described in 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/HowTo/TestCDinstall though only briefly and 
not really what to test. So updating this wiki page would be most welcome!

The first test scenario is rather simple:

- install a mainserver from cd or dvd
- create users in ldap (optionally mass import them)
- add a workstation to ldap
- install a workstation
- log in on that workstation as user

Then there are variations of that:

- install from pxe instead cd or dvd
- choose gnome (or xfce or lxde) instead of kde desktop
- test languages
- test diskless clients
- test mail setup
- test print (and adding printer)

While doing so, make sure that the documentation at 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu/Documentation/Wheezy is complete and 

A bit more advanced is to test an installation with different network settings 
than what we assume (10.0/16).

If you do tests, please regularily report your finding to the mailinglist 
_and_ publish the logs regularily and link them on 


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