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Re: Admin Users - hash problems

[Wolfgang Schweer]
> Changing e.g. the default entry
>   idGenerator="{%givenName[3-6]}{%sn[3-6]}"
> in /etc/gosa/gosa.conf to
>   idGenerator="{%givenName[1]}{%sn[23]}{id!1}"		
> would generate the uid pmuster for user Peter Muster and pmuster1 for 
> the next user Petra Muster, max. length of uids: 25; man 5 gosa.conf 
> for more details.

This sound like a useful example to have in our documentation.  I
suspect a lot of schools was to adjust the user name generator.  Can
you add it to the wiki?
Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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