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Current errors detected for Main-server+Thin-Client-Server in Debian Edu/Squeeze

Here are the current errors detected by the self testing then
installing Main-server + Thin-Client-Server via PXE:

  error: ./cups: URL 'https://www:631/' is not working.
  error: ./cups: URL 'https://localhost:631/' is not working.
  error: ./ldap-client: LDAP cert checking turned off in /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
  error: ./ldap-client: LDAP cert checking turned off in /etc/nslcd.conf
  error: ./nagios: Nagios count NUMSVCCRIT is not zero but 1.
  error: ./nagios: Nagios count NUMSVCUNKN is not zero but 1.
  error: ./taskpkgs: Package jackd in task education-workstation is not installed!
  error: ./taskpkgs: Package jackd in task education-thin-client-server is not installed!
  error: ./webcache: squid typo causing APT problem is present (#591839).

Please help getting these issues fixed.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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