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Re: Extending range of Statics

Holger Levsen skrev:
Hi Ralf,

On Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009, RalfGesellensetter wrote:
db.intern and db.10 look very similar (as they define corresponding
ranges), and I wonder if this redundancy could be used to unify those
two files (in order to reduce points of failure).

sure, there are many many things that _could_ be done. there are less things that could be done and are sensible to do. In this case, this relation is inherited from the way bind9 has to be configured, and as such this should, if at all, be changed in bind upstream. working around with providing scripts is likely to break, whenever bind9 changes.

Thank you, if you confirm this, we can put this into wiki (and possibly
even into svn).

I dont think we (the Debian Edu _developers_) should spend any time on etch anymore (security support will be terminated in 3 months at max, rather earlier). In lenny we switched to powerdns instead of bind, thus this is beating a dead horse.

So all our work atm should be directed at releasing lenny asap and providing good documenation for it.

How do I extend the range of statics in Lenny then ;)



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