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Re: Extending range of Statics

Am Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2009 schrieb Klaus Ade Johnstad:
> /etc/bind/debian-edu/db.intern
> /etc/bind/debian-edu/db.10
Hi Klaus, once again thank you for pointing to 
this generic definition of hosts. I knew it was there - and
the howto in the wiki gives the same information (now) - but
still have some questions about it.

db.intern and db.10 look very similar (as they define corresponding 
ranges), and I wonder if this redundancy could be used to unify those
two files (in order to reduce points of failure).

I don't know where this kind of syntax comes from:

// from db.10:
; Addresses is used to name thin client servers
$GENERATE 0-19 ${10}.2                  PTR     ltspserver${0,2}.intern.

//corresponding part in db.intern:
; Thin client servers in
$GENERATE 0-19 ltspserver${0,2}         A       10.0.2.${10,2}

This is obviosly equivalent for (pseudo C-code):

for (i=0; i<= 19; i++)
   printf("ltspserver%02d             A 10.0.2.%02d, i, i+10);

Considering this, the first step to extend the range of static would be 
to extend the range within (up to static204/

// change db.10 to:
; Reserve some addresses for staticly assigned addresses
$GENERATE 0-204 ${50}.2                  PTR     static${0,3}.intern.
//                 or 3^?
; $GENERATE 0-155 ${100}.2                PTR     dhcp${0,3}.intern.

// here, we could replace 156 by 0 - but in order to keep further logs 
   valid, dhcp0-dhcp155 could be left as gap:
;  GENERATE to make dhcp names under 3.0.10.in-addr.arpa
< $GENERATE 0-243 $.3                     PTR     dhcp${156,3}.intern.
> $GENERATE 0-243 $.3                     PTR     dhcp${0,3}.intern.
//now, same in db.intern:

; Static addresses in 10.0.2/24
< $GENERATE 0-49 static${0,2}             A       10.0.2.${50}
> $GENERATE 0-204 static${0,3}             A       10.0.2.${50}

; dhcp names in and
<$GENERATE 0-155 dhcp${0,3}              A       10.0.2.${100}
>; $GENERATE 0-155 dhcp${0,3}              A       10.0.2.${100}
$GENERATE 0-243 dhcp${156,3}            A       10.0.3.$

Thank you, if you confirm this, we can put this into wiki (and possibly 
even into svn).


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