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Re: Extending range of Statics

Am Samstag, 12. Dezember 2009 schrieb RalfGesellensetter:
> Thank you, if you confirm this, we can put this into wiki (and
>  possibly  even into svn).
Hi again,

testing my suggestion, it became clear that hostnames get kind of 

static00..static49,but then static050..static205.

For historic reasons, it might make sense to have
static00..static99, then static100..static205:
$GENERATE 0-99 ${50}.2                  PTR     static${0,2}.intern.
$GENERATE 0-105 ${150}.2                PTR     static${100,3}.intern.

$GENERATE 0-99 static${0,2}             A       10.0.2.${50}
$GENERATE 0-105 static${100,3}          A       10.0.2.${150}

On fresh installations, 
- either limit to static99
- or make it static000..static205.

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