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Re: RAM for administrator

Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
[Ronny Aasen]
a long time ago it was decided to get more ram for administrator.

I did not know or have forgotten this.

I dont know what made the process stop, and that is also not
important.  Getting it up and running, and finished! is.

I do not have any spare time to find and order RAM.  I suspect Werner
have the same problem, and thus it would not be too smart to expect
the ordering to be done by one of us with local access.

I might find time to insert it, if it showed up on my desk.

Can i suggest that $someone with local machine access aquire the
RAM, and installs it. and get a refund from joergen. alternativly
get the requiered funds in advance if nessecary ?

I suggest $someone take care of the ordering and refunding, and
someone with local access the a packet with RAM modules to insert. :)

Happy hacking,
I can deal with ordering and requesting refunding. And shipping it to your desk. As long as we can Identify compatible ram

I know it is
Multi-bit ECC Synchronous DDR
400 MHz (2.5 ns)

from dmidecode. would any brand do ? or are there something more compatible then others?

Ronny Aasen

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