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Re: Merge LWAT and DHCP machine objects in LDAP?

Petter Reinholdtsen skrev:
> With the introduction of DHCP configuration in LDAP, we also
> introduced a new kind of machine object in LDAP.  The way our LDAP
> currently is structured these machine objects are not seen by LWAT,
> and machine objects created by LWAT are not seen by the DHCP server.
> Someone should look into merging the two.

There are now at least 3 machine objects that are stored in ldap:
 A machine that is a member of a net-group
 A machine that is member of the samba domain
 A machine that exists in DHCP
In a short distance I can see 2 or 3 more:
 DNS information for the host
 Reverse DNS information
 Squid access information (Or maybe that should be provided based on

I would like to be able to add a machine by entering all information on
into a single form.

For users, we use templates, and for the users there are 2 objects added
for each user added, the user object, and the personal group object. I'm
not sure if it's possible to add more than a couple of objects, due to
limitations in the schemas, but I've not tried. By now (if my memory is
correct) LWAT creates an object which combines netgroup with samba
domain-member (which is actually a user object). I've not tried to
combine DHCP-info with an existing machine object, but I think I tried
to combine a DHCP-object and a DNS object (to be used with pdns), and it
failed. But I'm still testing this.

Bug reports (preferably with patches) will be welcome at

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
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