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Re: Educational Desktop Design: e.g. Linpus

On Sun, 13 Jul 2008, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:

Do you mean that you would like a "Start this application" button added
to the GoPlay! application browser (and its variations too in recent
incarnations, like GoLearn!, GoAdmin!, GoOffice! and others)?

I think there is one problem inbetween which might block this function:
There is no guarantee that the program in question is installed and you
can not know whether the user has the right permissions to install the

If sudo is configured properly goWhatever! could perhaps learn from
auto-apt.  For those who never heard about auto-apt: This is a quite
cool thing if you are at a booth on some exhibitions a user drops in
and wants to know whether Debian has program X.  Assumed you just did

     sudo auto-apt update

you can open an auto-apt shell

     auto-apt -x -y

and the just call the program in question.  If the program is not
yet installed auto-apt searches the list of all executables in the
Debian pool and if it finds X it installs the package including the
dependencies and then starts the program.  I did so on a booth and
the user was not able to close his mouth until the program was fired
up in pure astonishment what is possible in Debian. ;-)

So back to the topic: There is some technique available to install and
fire up a not yet installed programm which might be a needed feature
for you plan.

On the other hand I would reall like to see the screenshot feature
of goWhatever! in synaptic or other graphical installers.  As Ralf
wrote on debian-devel [1] this would require a repository of screenshots.
I also would immediately include this into the tasks web pages.

It seems that this is like always: It's a good idea, we just need
somebody who implements it ...

Kind regards


[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2008/06/msg00724.html

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