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Re: Program Launcher of Sidux-Edu

El vie, 04-07-2008 a las 15:53 +0200, RalfGesellensetter escribió:
> Am Mittwoch 02 Juli 2008 schrieb Andreas Tille:
> >  I'm personally reluctant about everything that wants to be
> > even cooler than Debian and at the same time refusing to cooperate
> > with Debian.
> Dear Andreas, dear List,
> in general and in theoriy, I absolutely agree, that Debian is the way to 
> go. Especially in server settings, a stable release with long term 
> support as known from Debian is of great value and importance.
> On the other hand, if you browse the entries of schools using 
> Skolelinux, you will find an increasing amount of settings with foreign 
> distros on their workstations. This is also stressed by emerging howtos 
> like http://developer.skolelinux.no/~ozmund/slxubuntu.html or
> http://wiki.skolelinux.de/FremdDistro.
> Now, why is this? In my school, the desktop installation has proven 
> quite stable regarding versions:
> - the terminal room runs a Skolelinux 2.0 (Sarge) + Backports (KDE 3.5)
> - another room (to be updated these weeks) features workstations with
>   a slightly tuned pre-version of Skolelinux 2.0 (KDE 3.3. OOo 1.4).
> Besides stability and support, workstations must compete with commercial 
> desktops, hence I would be very happy if Debian or at least the CDD 
> project provided a more frequent desktop release that comes without 
> long time support, but with fresher software. 
> Maybe we can stick to stable releases of Debian, if our server 
> infrastructure including LTSP and diskless clients supported a rollout 
> of (thin/lowfat/fat) clients based on Debian testing.
> On the other hand, our policy has always been to provide integration for 
> foreign systems (samba + nfs) - so why worry if people ask for support 
> of *buntu or Sidux instead of Redmond's OSs?

I don't doubt that might be done if enough people demands it and justify
the man power needed. But, as Andreas and others have pointed, I think
it's not very smart investing time and efforts on reinventing the wheel
with people who are using the same tools we're using. As an example: the
application you propose to compile in lenny, has exactly the same
purpose and looks very similar to GoPlay in Debian (using the GoLearn
desktop launcher). So I don't think we must compete with them at all,
but also we must be able to give our users the best tools and use our
time and knowledge with that purpose. As an example: if you install
Edubuntu today and you install Debian Edu from lenny today you get much
more educative applications and better server integration (Edubuntu has
no main server integration at all) with Debian Edu. I know many people
will use Edubuntu because of its hype, but we are able to tell them: hi,
here you have more and better. We can not say that with Windows, as
windows users have other reasons to use such "thing", but with *buntu,
Sidux or whatever other linux distribution you can always argue that we
don't have reasons to spend time integrating their tools as our tools
are better. Maybe they should do the opposite. Anyway, if they have any
application or configuration that we don't have , of course I'd be the
first to vote to include it in Debian. But, I don't think that's the
case now.

My 20 cents.
José L.

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