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proposal: move etch-work on debian-edu packages into a branch


I've a proposal for working on lenny.
Since lenny ist atm not really working/usable. Since etch is more or less 
stable I would like to suggest to switch the complete developement into a 
branch. This would allow to merge things from etch to lenny if this is 
needed. But it would allow to work on lenny without breaking etch. 

Some examples where a differenciation is needed is: 
 - xmms is removed from lenny but still exists in etch (we'll have to fix 
 - debian-edu-install needs  to be modified for lenny. This are fixes which 
are not needed in etch (and would propably break it).

What do you say? 

@ftpmasters: Are there any impacts from moving everything 
from ./trunk/src/* into ./branch/etch/src/* ?


 .''`.   Patrick Winnertz <winnie@debian.org>
:  :' :  GNU/Linux Debian Developer
`. `'`   http://www.der-winnie.de http://people.skolelinux.org/winnie
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems

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