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Re: stable update proposal: flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound

[Finn-Arne Johansen]
> Has this plugin been tested on a large scale basis ?

It is the same plugin available as libflashsupport from other sites,
and is claimed to be working for large sites.  I agree that it would
be good to have this confirmed.

> I suggest not to include this in the stable repository until it's
> been tested in a large scale, to prevent sites depending on a
> working solution from beeing set back by installing this.

Any volunteers to test it on a large scale?

> I also suggest that one _don't_ announce that this fixes sound on
> thin clients like one did with debian-edu 3.0, before it's actually
> tested to see if it work.

It is a good idea to verify that it actually work before announcing
it.  Not sure what you refer to with sound and 3.0, but can report
that Bjarne in Skolelinux Drift AS got it working for him.  I welcome
more test reports, also on a large scale.

It include a few fixes commited to upstream svn in march, so I hope
this solve any stability issues that are rumored to affect the old
libflashsupport package.  Upstream svn is
if you want to have a look at the changes.

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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