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Re: using ldap as backend for dns and dhcp

Maximilian Wilhelm wrote:
> Am Sunday, den 23 December hub Finn-Arne Johansen folgendes in die Tasten:
>> It has been a goal to use ldap for as much as possible in debian-edu,
>> And when we created lwat, we started to prepare to build dhcpd.conf and
>> some config files for bind using ldap.
>> The goal was to have a cronjob checking for changes, and if anything
>> new, build new config-files for dhcp and bind, then restart them.
>> The other day itais and sep (and maybe others) was discussing (on irc)
>> if it was possible to setup dnsmasq to lookup dns/dhcp information from
>> the ldapserver directly. If I understood "itais", he already had this
>> working, but I cant find any pointer on how to do it. Not sure if I
>> understood him correctly, but if there are any pointers to related
>> documentation, then I would be glad to see it.
> Why do you want to complicate things?
> IMO it is much easier (and therefore not that error-prone) to manage
> DNS, DHCP etc. by hand. It's more flexible, too.

I guess I will still edit config-files.
But there is a "demand" to simplify things, such as assigning fixed
IP-address, and adding new hostnames to DNS. And so far the best way to
solve this has seemed like adding the hosts into ldap, and then build
the config-files for DNS and DHCP from the data in ldap.

Finn-Arne Johansen
faj@bzz.no http://bzz.no/
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