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Re: Privacy, fare well. Hope we will see you again (Was: Debian Edu Extremadura work meeting june 2006)

Am Mittwoch, den 04.01.2006, 20:14 +0100 schrieb Jim Oksvold:
> Stop whining - Take it like a man - Take the Bus.
> To the rest I strongly advise all to shun Air Carriers that don't take security seriously.
> I prefer the freedom to travel in safety.
> To those who prefer to travel in a vinged long Aluminium tube way up high
> without any control  - Think again.
> Just like Thomas Jefferson I am a Libertarian - I too cherish the right to hold arms.
> I too like freedom. That does not mean I don't lock my door when I go to sleep at night.

Just like Jefferson I think a country should protect the freedom of its
citizens. The current security legislation and governmental programs
implements security systems that controlled by companies rather then the
government, riddled with security holes and infinitely abusable.
Ultimately the obsolete and powerless state with what little democracy,
freedom and rights it provides for its citizens will disappear. Leaving
us with many out-of control systems that will interfere with our lives
in unpredictable ways.

> Safety from insane people gives me more freedom :-)
> I will happily part with my nail-clipper at the next airport if it makes my fellow passenger
> it little bit less jumpy. I got nothing to hide and Nailclippers to spare.

It is not about nail-clippers. It is that all your data belongs to
people who are not accountable and who amass the power to do to you
whatever they like. Let's hope your firearms are powerful enough and
your aim is true.

> I have kicked the butt of many a commie/fascist in my life.
> Given the chance I will kick some more :-)

It's not so much the commies or fascists I'm afraid of, the next
dictatorship will be decentralised and clever enough to hide its true
face behind a well groomed media engineered facade and it will be as
tough, rugged and hard to destroy as the usenet. 

> There will be peace on Earth - Eventually :-)

Oh what a brave new world it will be.

Kind regards

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