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Re: Privacy, fare well. Hope we will see you again (Was: Debian Edu Extremadura work meeting june 2006)

> [Andreas Schuldei]
> > Please send me your passport number and your name *EXACTLY* as they
> > appear in your passport. otherwise you might have problems to
> > retrive your eticket at the airport.
> Wow, that was a new one.  I've never seen a ticket office requiring
> passport number before.  For privacy reasons, I prefer not to share
> that number with the ticket office.  Why is it not enough with name
> and address?
> Privacy is not just some irrelevant convenience issue, it is a
> question of principles and and a question on who should be able to use
> and misuse information about other people.  I personally believe the
> answer to two questions give a good indication if a proposal should go
> through or not:
>   - Would we reacted negatively if the suggestion had been implemented
>     in USSR during the cold war?
>   - Would the secret police of a force invading our country be happy
>     to find the suggestion implemented?
> If both are true, like with the recent EU regulation to store all
> communication patterns for several years, it should be fought.  And
> registering the peoples travel patterns is equally problematic, as it
> give government yet another a database to misuse, and criminals yet
> another source of information.
> (And for those of you believing that we should let go of our freedom
> to gain security, I trust that you know that there is nothing new
> about this discussion, and probably also know this quote from
> President Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826): "Those who desire to give up
> freedom in order to gain security will not have, nor do they deserve,
> either one."  It is still true today.  Power corrupts, and giving the
> government more power by reducing our freedom will not give us more
> security only less freedom)

Stop whining - Take it like a man - Take the Bus.

To the rest I strongly advise all to shun Air Carriers that don't take security seriously.

I prefer the freedom to travel in safety.

To those who prefer to travel in a vinged long Aluminium tube way up high
without any control  - Think again.

Just like Thomas Jefferson I am a Libertarian - I too cherish the right to hold arms.
I too like freedom. That does not mean I don't lock my door when I go to sleep at night.

Safety from insane people gives me more freedom :-)

I will happily part with my nailclipper at the next airport if it makes my fellow passenger
it little bit less jumpy. I got nothing to hide and Nailclippers to spare.

I have kicked the butt of many a commie/fascist in my life.
Given the chance I will kick some more :-)

There will be peace on Earth - Eventually :-)

Jim Oksvold

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