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Re: [debian-edu] Re: We are asking the teachers: [Re: choosing software applications]

On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 04:34:04PM +0100, Ralf Gesel|ensetter wrote:
> Furthermore, I believe hat kids of today are much more used to cope with 
> a multiplicity of options that most of us teachers.

Yeah, when I grew up, keyboards had ~50-60 keys on them, and video game
controllers were typically a stick and one button.

I realize that's a silly comment (and obvioulsy I've been a video game
fanatic for most of my years ;^) ), but I think it does point out how much
more complicated things have become, yet kids still seem to cope.

> Raising "one app per task" to a maxime seems rather contraproductive to 
> me. We have to consider that _using_ Skolelinux at the same time is 
> _evaluating_ its advantages. By cutting off this and that from the very 
> beginning we prevent teachers from knowing software that otherwise 
> could become a "killer application" one day.

Indeed.  Tux Paint, for example, is /pretty much/ one-of-a-kind in the
Open Source arena (I think the GCompris suite, which includes drawing
functionality, is the closest 'competitor'), so I'm lucky that I get
nearly 100% of the exposure when it comes to drawing program for kids
that's free (as in FLOSS).  I get ALL the feedback. :^)

But even if there were some other popular competitor, I would strive to
be included places like Skolelinux for a number of reasons, and one of them
is exactly what you said: I want people out there evaluating it and giving
me feedback.

That kind of feedback loop is one of the main reasons I release software as
Open Source to begin with!  (That and it's a lot easier[*] to give stuff
away than to bother trying to sell it ;^) )


[*] In the sense of technical and business hurdles.  However, the popular
    software sites for Windows are VERY tough places to get OSS listed.
    It's VERY depressing!  I don't have $80 bucks to give to CNet just so
    they can list my completely free application! >:^(

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