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Solved: gimp2 locale: German only with NX?

Am Montag, 17. Januar 2005 23:31 schrieb Maximilian Wilhelm:
> Maybe you want to have a look at the output of "locale" and
> echo $LANG

Hi, after focussing too much on packages and libs, in the end, $LANG 
turned out to be the real issue.

$ LANG=de_DE@euro gimp

works. The same is defined in /etc/environment on the LTSP server (I 
also tried /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/envirtonment, but as it turned out, it is 
not present when you work at thin clients (as opposed to freeNX).

My workaround was to set LANG in /etc/kde3/kdestart (or alike).

Now, Gimp2 and OOo start in German for all users, again.


P.S.: To make it clear: This issue does not concern the original 
Skolelinux installation. I integrated quite a few backports - so these 
are its side effects.

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