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Re: eZ in Debian-Edu and on skolelinux.org?

Hi Alex,

Am Montag, 17. Januar 2005 13:29 schrieb Alex Brasetvik:
> Markus Gamenius has been in contact with the guys behind eZ [1]. They
> are apparently eager to get eZ into Debian-Edu and to help us convert
> from Plone [2] on www.skolelinux.org.

This is a good premise!
> There are currently (at least) two issues with Plone on
> skolelinux.org. One being the workflow (have to use the webpage, no

+ type HTML

> automatic notifications about translations, etc.) and a memory leak
> in Zope which makes it necessary to restart Zope every few weeks.

+ low performance IIRC (as for speed)
> The debate started on the Norwegian user list, but we feel our
> international collegues need to join in. :) I just moved the debate,
> so this post won't contain my opinions.

Thank you for bringing this debate on the list. I always liked the idea 
of plone being
- a neat layouted portal
- addressed to visitors from all over the world (multilingual)
- decentralized, so that more than one administrator could maintain 
their bundle of translators ;)

BUT: All issues mentioned before kept 
- the amount of editros low
- the synchronization of langues slow / impossible
> ~
> Do we want to change Plone for X on skolelinux.org? Might X be eZ?

Several discussions at our German work'n'learn weekends showed that 
there is a slight rejection of the Plone portal. Meanwhile, Mambo had 
be started on the German web page - for testing purposes you might 
register there. While being aware that all major contents must stay 
international, we were discussing about mirroring the German branch of 
the plone site - somehow.
> Do we want to bundle eZ as Debian-Edu's content management system
> (CMS)? What issues need to be solved?

If there is an alternative, that is feasible and can import the 
contents: yes, please. If there is an Plone-immandent solution: why 
not, but there has to change a lot.
> Is it necessary to use the same CMS we bundle in Debian-Edu, e.g. eZ,
> on skolelinux.org? If not, is a Wiki[3] a good idea? Combinations?

Rather no wiki. We are dropping our German wiki now and moving to mambo.
Additionally one could discuss offering courses on SLX in moodle or 

As for ex-/importing contemporary contents: I'd stress on contents - as 
for structure, I'd plea for discussing a slight tightening of the top 
level menu.


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