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Bug#246463: should not depend on missing packages

On 2004-05-08 Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com> wrote:
> [Andreas Metzler]
> > That is a typo, isn't it? s/testing/unstable/

> No, it isn't If it build using the packages in unstable, debian-edu
> will have problems propagating into testing as its dependencies might
> be stuck in unstable.

That is the way testing is supposed to work isn't it? You upload stuff
to unstable and once it and its dependencies are ready it propagates.

> > Otherwise debian-edu would ethernally continue to block any migration
> > to testing, Because the list of packages in testing will never change
> > because debian-edu prevents their migration.

> Why is there no packages in unstable providing the kmix and kgeo
> packages?  That would solve the mentioned packages, right?

kgeo is not part of KDE edutainment in 3.2.2 anymore. KDE 3.2.2
includes kig instead. - But it is different program and not a renamed
project and therefore a provides is not correct. (XEmacs does not
provide emacs, either).

This is now a non-issue anyway, due to
debian-edu will be removed from testing and the new KDE packages can
go in. - Now debian-edu can fix this in its own timeframe and go into
testing again when it is ready.
               cu andreas
"See, I told you they'd listen to Reason," [SPOILER] Svfurlr fnlf,
fuhggvat qbja gur juveyvat tha.
Neal Stephenson in "Snow Crash"

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