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Re: test-install pr47

[Stefan Padberg]
> 1. I couldn't find a mail prog to deal with these mails. 'pine' or
> 'mutt' were not installed. Of course I could have installed them
> with apt-get etc., but an unexperienced user, will he be able to do
> that?

There are some mail clients included in the workstation task.  kmail
are the one I remember at the moment.  The only text based mail client
is 'mail', as far I as remember.

> 2. I had a quick look at these mails with 'more' (well, that was my
> solution ;-) ), and I was astonished that it were all mails,
> declaring that the mail attached was not delivrable to user
> 'root'. Which is funny, because the 'not delivrable'-notification
> COULD be delivered to 'root'. ?!?

The issue here is that debconf sends emails with all notes it was
unable to display during installion.  And this fails, as the exim
configuration is done after the installation.  Not sure how to
properly fix this.

> 3. The content of the original mails seemed to be quite
> important. There were hints of how to go on with the configuration
> of the server (DHCP, OpenSSH, Samba etc.), quite the usual stuff
> after installation of a debian system.  Here my question is: when
> quite important information is produced why does the user have no
> means of watching it?

The messages are not very important.  We configure the packages at
install time, so the information provided in these emails can be
safely ignored.

> It would be more nice to present a kind of start page to the user
> where he gets some explanation of what he can do now and how this
> could be done.

I suspect it at least would be good to provide the documentation on
the installed system, and add some icons on the desktop pointing to
this documentation.

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