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intro, new guy

I'm new to the list.
I am a 7th grade language arts teacher.  I have been using Redhat and the Redhat based k12os on my PCs at home for about 9 or 10 months now.
I have just installed Woody on a frankenstein box I made out of spare parts.
I have been on the OpenSoureNow and K12 lists over the past year.
I am also studying for a Master of Library Science.
I am the owner/webmaster of School-Library.net, which started out solely as
an academic research resource, but has become, over the past year, also 
a tech resource, focusing on OSS for schools.
I have come to the Debian Nation because it seems that Debain truly
embodies the spirit of Freedom, Community and Sharing that initially drew
me to OSS in the first place.  I am, thanks to RH, the lists, the local lug, and my iBook (using Darwin and many OSS packages, in addition to OS X) copmletely M$ free at home.  My school is hoping to upgrade to OSS over the next two years.  I serve on the tech commitee and the long term tech goals sub-committee.
The tech admin is an old Unix hacker.  She loves BSD and OS X (we have macs and pcs at school).  I hope to get all the PCs running linux, but I suspect we will likely go with BSD servers.  I'm babbling now...
Anyway, I think M$ has strangeld schools long enough.
Long live Freedom!


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