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Re: What do you want to do

Le 15 Sep à 14:45, Raphael Hertzog ecrivait:

> after a week about 26 people are on this list. I'd like
> to know you better in order to try to organize the work
> as much a possible and in order to know where I have to
> make efforts.
> 1. Are you a debian developer ?


> 2. If no, would you like to become a developer in order to
>    maintain some packages ?


> 3. Do you have packaging skills/experience ?


> 4. If you're a Debian developer, are you willing to sponsor
>    people who packages educational software ?

> 5. Are you willing to write/translate documentation for educational
>    software ?


> 6. What area in the big educational landscape are of special interest
>    for you (math, physics, biology, languages, etc.) ?  

	Generalistic softwares (word processor, productivity tools), and
tools for the school's intranet. But I'm familiar with free educational
software for linux in general.

> 7. Freetyle question. What else would you like to do within DebianEdu ?
>    What do you expect from DebianEdu ?

	I expect an improved installer, which could :
	- Interactively partition the hard drive easily
	- Set up the most common peripherals (CD Rom burner, printer,
modem and internet access).
	- Choose between an installation for a stand alone work station,
or a client for the school network, and in this case, set up
interoperability with NIS / NFS or LDAP, the latter to communicate with
network solutions like SLIS ( http://slis.ac-grenoble.fr/ ) or SambaEdu (
http://www.crdp.ac-caen.fr/sambaclg/ ) which will be more and more used in
French schools in a near future.
	These are for me the major lacks in the french Debian Education
installer. Excuse me if these wishes are trivial :), there are really
obvious from my point of view.

> 8. Are you part of other education-related projects ? What is your
>    position in those projects (leader, contributor, lurker, ...) ?

	I have coordinated the works around the French Debian Education
distro, for the educationnal part, and I maintain the site which is in my
signature, integrated  on the desktop of the distro. Logidee (who realized
this work, with Raphael) started to package educational softwares
mentionned on this site to build Debian Educ, we wrote the specifications
together (mostly on IRC :) ), and I have assured the communication between
Logidee and the workgroup of teachers who recensed and wrote tutorials for
the softwares, for the technological and industrial survey mission of
French national center of documentation (http://www.cndp.fr/ ).
	I'm really happy to see that these two years working together have
lead us to a real distribution realeased last spring (more than 3000
downloads and diffusion in the press), and I hope that the integration of
this work in Debian will be profitable.

Yves Potin 

Logiciels libres pour l'enseignement :

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