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Debian Edu 7.0.0 alpha2 released

liebe Skoletuxe,

Petter schreibt auf der internationalen Liste:

New features for Debian Edu 7.0.0 alpha2 released 2013-06-10

This is the release notes for for Debian Edu / Skolelinux 7.0.0 edu
alpha2, based on Debian with codename "Wheezy".

About Debian Edu and Skolelinux

Debian Edu, also known as Skolelinux[1], is a Linux distribution based
on Debian providing an out-of-the box environment of a completely
configured school network. Immediately after installation a school
server running all services needed for a school network is set up just
waiting for users and machines being added via GOsa?, a comfortable
Web-UI. A netbooting environment is prepared using PXE, so after initial
installation of the main server from CD, DVD or USB stick all other
machines can be installed via the network. The provided school server
 provides LDAP database and Kerberos authentication service, centralized
home directories, DHCP server, web proxy and many other services. The
desktop contains more than 60 educational software packages[2] and more
are available from the Debian archive, and schools can choose between
KDE, Gnome, LXDE and Xfce desktop environment.

 1) <URL: http://www.skolelinux.org/ >
 2) <URL:
+collection____.html >

This is the third test release based on Debian Wheezy. Basically this is
an updated and slightly improved version compared to the Squeeze

Wer Zeit hat, möge beim Testen mithelfen!

Regards/AmicaLinuxement/Saludos/Viele Gruesse!
Kurt Gramlich
Projektleitung skolelinux.de
GnuPG Key ID 0xE263FCD4

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