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Re: Debian Developper from Paris, in NYC for 10 days

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 5:09 PM, Cyril Bouthors
<cyril.bouthors@isvtec.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm from Paris, in NYC for ~10 days.
> I'm maintaining a few Python modules, Apache modules and PostgreSQL
> extensions as Debian packages and would like to meet NYC Debianners!
> If you are up for a drink, let me know!

We've not been that active as far as having events.. but we could
certainly pull something together. Our most active "event instigators"
have left NYC, but we still have  a respectable presence of Debian

Historically Debian NYC social gatherings have been at two places:

Pacific Standard (Beer Bar, no food, but allows deliveries from a
number of local)
82 4th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217


Vol de Nuit (Belgian Beer bar that specializes in Moules-frites)
148 West 4th Street
New York City, NY 10012.

I'd say pick a time/date that works for you and let people know.
Perhaps this Saturday night, or Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday night of
next week?

I know a few people are out of town right now, but I'll certainly come
out if you propose something.


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