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Re: [Debian-NYC] Organizations to reach out to for Novice Nights

I'll post stuff to Eyebeam's promotion, they have a special process, and I always forward to all relevant lists that I'm on.


On Nov 13, 2010, at 2:36 AM, Richard Darst wrote:


We need to collect a list of organizations to reach out to for Novice
Nights.  As has been said elsewhere, a diversity (instead of "the
usual suspects") is critical here.

Some of Carlos's ideas were: non-profits, specific ethnic/religious
groups, small businesses, local government, active-duty military.

If you have specific contacts, you can mail (rkd zgib.net) or IRC them
directly to me.  Please include:

- Organization,
- contact person name,
- email address,
- if you would like to be the interface to relay announcements to the

Since this includes specific names and emails, it can't be made
public.  I will collect them and keep them private, but share them
with whoever heads up novice nights later.

Any other thoughts on this?  Any other ideas to kick this off?


- Richard

| Richard Darst  -  rkd@          -  boltzmann: up 480 days, 4:25
|            http://rkd.zgib.net  -  pgp 0xBD356740
| "Ye shall know the truth and -- the truth shall make you free"
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