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Re: [Debian-NYC] February workshop?

If we hold this PGP workshop at ITP, I think there will need to be a very newbie friendly section of it.  I think there will be interest here, but most students at ITP will barely know what encryption is.  To me, that's a reason to do it, rather than not, tho: to get more people introduced to the ideas.


On Feb 12, 2010, at 1:55 PM, Kristoffer Rose wrote:

Dear all,

Should we consider a "call for workshops & tutorials" in addition to the "call for sessions"?  (The idea being that workshops are longer and possibly on adjacent days in adjacent localities.)  One could even imagine corporate workshops on debian-related issues.

Personally I'd love a workshop on "migrating from ubuntu to utnubu"...

  Kris [ancient DD (1993-2000) trying to be reactivated]

Kristoffer H. Rose, Ph.D. <http://kristoffer.rose.name>

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