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Re: [Debian-NYC] February workshop?

I second Davids nomination of PGP. Hopefully I can make it to the workshop.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 4:20 PM, David Rocamora <dave@n22t.com> wrote:
> Excerpts from Richard Darst's message of Thu Feb 11 16:03:57 -0500 2010:
>> I just realized that we could start thinking about a February
>> workshop.
>> Who has a suggestion for a topic, or want to run the workshop
>> themselves?
>> Anyone want to volunteer a new location?
> I'd like to see a workshop about PGP keys. Some of their workings are a
> mystery to me. I suppose I could do some studying and run the workshop
> (or at least a beginners workshop), but it might be nice to have some of
> the local experts discuss it a bit. Does that interest anyone else?
> I can also volunteer up CGHQ (in the Woolworth building) if we need
> space for the workshop.
> -Dave
> --
> David Rocamora | http://www.n22t.com
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