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Re: [ Visit in India]: Kerala Visit

[dropping Arun M's gnu.org.in address treating my mails as spam]

[dropping Pirate Praveen known to be subscribed to debian-dug-in]

Please everyone consider subscribe to debian-dug-in - if you are 
involved in a Debian(-derivative)-based distribution and/or interested 
in the vibrant health of Debian-related hacking in India, that list is 
in my opinion the best place to tune into: 

If/when subscribed, please mention here so we can reduce the long 
cluttered cc list.

(more comments below the quote...)

Quoting sooraj kenoth (2015-12-26 09:45:13)
> In my personal experience people are some what ignorant about 
> Distro/Derivatives. The clients I met (Muthoot, V-Guard etc.) use free 
> software as Free Beer, and chose Ubuntu as their base. Then add 
> additional softwares as they require. Most of the people ignore the 
> stability risk when adding packages outside the distro.

I am sure all have done their best with whatever code and knowledge at 
their hands: We are all hackers, which implies we fumble. :-)

I hope we can learn from previous fumbling when going forward.  The 
alternate approach which Siri and I believe to be most sustainable and 
hope to refine with your help is to not fork at all, but instead make 
"Debin Pure Blends" which means expand Debian to contain custom needs.

> I am requesting you to keep the schedule from 14 to 24 open for us. 
> Then we can make a schedule by ourself and we will update you.

Makes sense.  We now semi-fixated Kerala arrival and departure times: 

Notes for your scheduling:

Siri does visual design and will focus on desktop theming (e.g. 
understanding and hacking GTK+/Qt theme bundles).  I do Debian packaging 
and will focus on Debian Pure Blends (learn about needs and approaches 
of other distros, and maybe inspire some to move closer to Debian).  
Maja is a non-IT teacher - she might tag along (that might spawn some 
interesting collaboration), or go explore Kerala on her own.

We prefer to travel by train - both to limit CO2 emission and because we 
better "recharge" between meetings in train than on the road or at 
airports.  Not travelling between meetings, and meeting with same people 
multiple times is even better ;-)

Looking forward to meet you all,

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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