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Re: booststrapping /usr-merged systems (was: Re: DEP 17: Improve support for directory aliasing in dpkg)

>>>>> "Helmut" == Helmut Grohne <helmut@subdivi.de> writes:

    Helmut> I think at this point, we have quite universal consensus
    Helmut> about the goal of moving files to their canonical location
    Helmut> (i.e. from / to /usr) as a solution to the aliasing problems
    Helmut> while we do not have consensus on precisely how to do this
    Helmut> (i.e. with changing dpkg or without). If you believe that
    Helmut> this is not consensus, please speak up.

I agree we have strong consensus that we want to move files to their
canonical locations.

I'm not entirely sure I'd agree that we have consensus that's our
solution to the aliasing problem.
there are other competing reasons why we might want to move files to
their canonical locations.

If for example we accomplish the move to canonical locations by changing
dpkg, we might well get some form of aliasing support in dpkg.

This mostly doesn't matter.
If we're going to move files to their canonical location, it doesn't
matter much why.
There is one potential area where it might.

If the reason for preferring one bootstrap protocol over another depends
on why we're moving files to their canonical locations, I think we'd
need to dig into that very carefully and examine that part of your
consensus call a bit more.

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