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Re: dpkg-buildpackage question

On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 07:58:58AM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Mon, 14 Jun 2010, Harald Jenny wrote:
> > Dear Guillem Jover and Raphaël Hertzog,
> > 
> > sorry to mail you in private but I have a rather "obscure" question
> > regarding dpkg-buildpackage 
> There's no question obscure enough to justify a private question, just use
> debian-dpkg@lists.debian.org (or check the sources). Let's continue the
> discussion there.
> > is it possible to specify in debian/rules
> > how dpkg-buildpackage names the .changes file?
> No.


> > The background: For a upstream package which I test very often I
> > modified the standard debian/rules to dynamically create a version entry
> > in changelog so that tester can do a quick compile and install. The
> > packages itself get named correctly but the .changes files is namend
> > unknown.
> You don't have a single changelog entry at the start of the build?

I have a dummy changelog entry without a version number.

> It should be possible to parse debian/changelog later in the process but
> I'm not convinced that it's a good idea.

Well to be honest I don't know the script enough to guess what problem a later
parsing would imply :-/.

> In which target of debian/rules are you updating the changelog file?

in patch - runs like this:

binary: binary-indep binary-arch
binary-indep: install-openswan-doc install-openswan-modules-source install-openswan-modules-dkms
install-openswan-doc: build
build: build-stamp
build-stamp: patch

        dpatch apply-all
        sed -e "$(SED_SCRIPT)" debian/changelog.in > debian/changelog
        sed -e "$(SED_SCRIPT)" debian/NEWS.in > debian/NEWS

> What set of commands do you want your users to have to type and where do
> they get the sources from?

I want to keep it as simple as possible - dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b.
The source can be downloaded as tar or via git checkout.

> > I know that this usage of dpkg-buildpackage is not really supported but
> > as upstream developers tend to suggest people to try the latest version
> > it seems the best possibility for keeping systems clean for Debian
> > users...
> Is the debian directory provided by upstream?

Well I'm uploader for the Debian package and commiter for upstream (and
permanently changing the changelog is not really feasable as I'm not
responsible for release management). I guess the best "solution" would be to
add the fact with the .changes file to README.Debian as these packages are not
official ones.

> Cheers,
> -- 
> Raphaël Hertzog

Kind regards and thanks for your help
Harald Jenny

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