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Bug#274677: dpkg-gencontrol broken on architectures with a "-" in their name

severity 274677 normal
tags 274677 - wontfix

on Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Scott James Remnant wrote:

> tags 274677 wontfix
> thanks

Ok, please note that I'm going to do this only *once* and have no intention
of entering into a BTS war or anything like that. If you still want to
make all this fuss about a bug, then please do not Cc: me.

Note to Marc: For the benefit of communication with dpkg maintainers,
PLEASE do not change the severity. It's true that the reporter has the
initial say about the severity of the bug (that's what the "Severity:"
pseudo-header is for, after all), but the maintainer has *always* the
final say over the severity, because he's the maintainer.

In this case it is clear that he does not want to see the severity
above "normal", so trying to change the severity yourself will not
change the severity the maintainer has in his mind (which is the one
that really counts).

Also, we have ftp.gnuab.org to fork dpkg if required. No need to
change the severity against the will of the maintainer, really.

Note to Scott: The definition of wontfix is the following one:

          This bug won't be fixed. Possibly because this is a choice
          between two arbitrary ways of doing things and the maintainer
          and submitter prefer different ways of doing things, possibly
          because changing the behaviour will cause other, worse,
          problems for others, or possibly for other reasons.

which I assume you have read. IMHO, I think it is not appropriate at
all for a bug which is clearly a bug and has a fix. If you really mean
"I don't plan to fix this bug in the near future", or "NMUs are not
welcome", then please say so, but not with the wontfix tag, which is
for bugs that might create additional problems when they are fixed.

So, could we please we get back to the technical side of this bug?

Is there something which you don't like about the patch, or it is just
that you don't want to fix it until sarge is released because you
think it might break the architectures to be released?

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