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Bug#212620: Can this be closed?

retitle 212620 [DEP-ENGINE] Make Replaces+Conflicts = Pre-Super-Conflict
severity 212620 wishlist

On Fri, 2004-07-09 at 08:38, Branden Robinson wrote:
> The documentation is insufficient.
> The request is that dpkg behave differently when encountering a package A
> that both conflicts with and replaces package B.
> Right now, dpkg only deconfigures B.
> The request is that dpkg actually scrub B off the system before unpacking
> A's files.

Thus A wouldn't just Conflict with B but would Pre-Conflict with it
(in that B should be deconfigured before A is unpacked) and would
also Super-Conflict with it (in that B would be not just deconfigured
but purged).  Retitling accordingly.

> So what would dpkg do *differently* if libutahglx1 *only* Conflicted with
> xlibmesa-gl, and did *not* Replace it?

Whether or not it is accompanied by Replaces, Conflicts causes
deconfiguration of the conflicting package, so I wouldn't expect
Replaces to make any difference to dpkg (in the presence of a
Conflict).  However, higher level packaging tools could presumably
interpret Replaces as a request to upgrade B by installing A in
its place.


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