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Bug#212620: Can this be closed?

On Sat, Jul 03, 2004 at 12:07:21PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:
> The meaning of "Replaces:" along with "Conflicts:" is explained in
> the policy manual.  Can this report be closed now?

The documentation is insufficient.

The request is that dpkg behave differently when encountering a package A
that both conflicts with and replaces package B.

Right now, dpkg only deconfigures B.

The request is that dpkg actually scrub B off the system before unpacking
A's files.

This goes hand in hand with a request that dpkg handle disappearing
conffiles gracefully, which it doesn't, but which is a separate bug.

7.5.2 says "Replaces allows the packaging system to resolve which package
should be removed when there is a conflict - see Conflicting binary
packages - Conflicts, Section 7.3. This usage only takes effect when the
two packages do conflict, so that the two usages of this field do not
interfere with each other."

However, Josip Rodin says, "If libutahglx1 gets maintained and uploaded
again, and a user tells dpkg to --install the new libutahglx1, it will see
that it conflicts+replaces xlibmesa-gl, remove xlibmesa-gl and proceed to
install the new libutahglx1.  dpkg doesn't pay attention to reverse
dependencies (like when you downgrade a libfoo1 without downgrading
libfoo1-dev with a versioned dependency on the newer one)."

So what would dpkg do *differently* if libutahglx1 *only* Conflicted with
xlibmesa-gl, and did *not* Replace it?

That's what I do not understand.

G. Branden Robinson                |          You live and learn.
Debian GNU/Linux                   |          Or you don't live long.
branden@debian.org                 |          -- Robert Heinlein
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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