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Bug#861476: release-notes: Firefox in Stretch is not version 50.0


Dixit Hideki Yamane, le 29/04/2017 :

> In stretch release notes, firefox version is noted as 50.0, 
> however,
>  - firefox package does not exist in stretch
As I understand it, the listed packages don't use the real names. Only
the common name.

>  - firefox-esr package in stretch is version 45.8.0esr-1 (but may be
>    updated to 45.x.x later)
> and, in Jessie, noted as version 45.5 (AKA Iceweasel) but now we're
> providing as firefox-esr package, and version is 45.9.0esr-1.
As firefox-esr is rebuilt for stable and migrate with security-update,
it's the same version from testing to oldstable!
Maybe just drop this line?
(firefox/iceweasel was not listed in Jessie RN)


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