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Bug#704293: release-notes: drop explanation of how to find obsolete packages from dselect

Jonathan Nieder wrote:
> Anyone still using dselect these days knows very well how to use it.
> New users are presumably using aptitude instead.  The vague tip below
> seems out of place, so this patch removes it.

I should like to call your attention to the fact that this whole
paragraph is just confused, and needs to be rewritten.  It sets out to
talk about packages that are obsolete in the sense that they're
redundant ex-dependencies, and how you can find them with deborphan
and so on; and then it goes on to talk about finding them with
aptitude etc - but at this point it loses the thread and starts
talking about packages that are obsolete in the sense that they're
relics without a source repository.  Those aren't the packages we were
looking for!  See:


JBR	with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
	sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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