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Release Notes: Proposed patch for obsolete (deleted || dummy) packages

Hi all,

Attached is a patch in order to introduce some information in the Release 
Nots on how to detect obsolete packages after an upgrade. The patch is 
actually made up of two parts:

- a section right after the upgrade that details how sysadmins can detect
obsolete packages (either removed or dummy packages) in the system. It is
also targeted at warning sysadmins that security support for removed
packages will only last as long as security support for woody lasts 

- a section in the end that is actually recovered from CVS and needs to be 
reviewed. Rob updated the content but then removed it altogether in 
revision 1.5. I think it's useful but maybe to unwieldy for sarge (too 
many changes due to the time in between releases), maybe it's best if we 
commented it out (it could prove useful for sarge -> etch if the release is 
faster). That's why I have not referenced it from the previous change.

Feel free to comment or improve on the patch, it was written hastily, late
and probably in poor English but, hopefully, it will be deemed useful
content for the release notes.



[1] There is no official deadline as of yet, and potato was supported for 
a year after its release (see 
However, with the huge size of the current archive I'm not sure if the 
security team will make the same decission for woody.
Index: release-notes.en.sgml
RCS file: /cvs/debian-doc/ddp/manuals.sgml/release-notes/en/release-notes.en.sgml,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -r1.38 release-notes.en.sgml
--- release-notes.en.sgml	22 May 2005 19:11:24 -0000	1.38
+++ release-notes.en.sgml	22 May 2005 22:46:57 -0000
@@ -794,8 +794,117 @@
          <package>kernel-package</package> tool and read the documentation
          in <file>/usr/share/doc/kernel-package</file>.</p>
-         </sect2></sect1></sect>
+         </sect2>
+	 </sect1>
+	 </sect>
+	 <sect id="obsolete"><heading>Obsolete packages</heading>
+<!-- JFS: Providing a full listing might be useful, specially if we can
+point to the Bug that was opened when the bug was removed. This list should
+be moved to an appendix, instead of adding it inline as we did in the
+potato to woody RN -->
+	 <p>Over 2000 packages have been removed in &releasename;, this has
+	 as a direct consequence that only limited support for these
+	 packages will be provided through security updates while official
+	 security support for &oldreleasename; is provided, which usually
+	 lasts a few months after the release, but not more. There is no
+	 upgrade path for &releasename; for these packages and they are
+	 considered "obsolete" packages.</p>
+	 <p>There are many reasons why package might have been removed from
+	 the distribution: they are no longer maintained in Debian, the
+	 functionality they provide has been superceeded by a different
+	 software (or a new version), or they are no longer considered
+	 suitable for &releasename; due to bugs in them. In the later case,
+	 packages might still be present in the "unstable"
+	 distribution.</p>
+	 <p>If you are using any of these packages you might want to
+	 consider replacing them with existing alternatives, if any. If you
+	 want to use these in &releasename; you should keep track of them as
+	 their security support will cease with &oldreleasename; and no
+	 support will be provided within &releasename;.</p>
+	 <p>Detecting which packages in an updated system are "obsolete" is
+	 easy since the package management front-ends will mark them as
+	 such. If you are using <prgn>aptitude</prgn>, you will see a
+	 listing of these packages in the "Obsolete and Locally Created
+	 Packages" entry. <prgn>Dselect</prgn> provides a similar section
+	 but the listing it presents might differ. Also, if you have used
+	 <prgn>aptitude</prgn> to manually install packages in
+	 &oldreleasename; it will have kept track of those packages you
+	 manually installed and will be able to mark as obsolete those
+	 packages pulled in by dependancies alone which are no longer
+	 needed if a package has been removed.</p>
+	 <p>You can also use additional tools to find obsolete packages
+	 such as <prgn>deborphan</prgn>, <prgn>debfoster</prgn> or
+	 <prgn>cruft</prgn>. <prgn>Deborphan</prgn> is highly recommended,
+	 although it will (in default mode) only report about obsolete
+	 libraries: packages in the "libs" or "oldlibs" sections that are
+	 not used by any other packages. Do not blindly remove the packages
+	 that are presented by those tools, specially if you are using
+	 aggressive non-default options that are prone to false
+	 positives. It is highly recommended that you manually review the
+	 packages suggested for removal (i.e. their contents, size and
+	 description) before doing so.</p>
+<!-- JFS: Should we recommend purging old packages? This might be
+dangerours since the maintainer scripts might try to remove stuff that
+didn't belong to them... -->
+	 <p>If you want additional information on why the package was
+         removed you might find additional information in the <url
+         id="&url-bts;" name="Debian Bug Tracking System">. You should
+         review both the archived bug reports for the package and archived
+         bug reports for the <url
+         id="&url-bts;/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=ftp.debian.org&amp;archive=yes"
+         name="ftp.debian.org pseudo-package">.</p>
+	 <sect1 id="dummy"><heading>Dummy packages</heading>
+<!-- JFS: This is not a full listing but robster said he didn't want a full
+list (maybe in the appendix? -->
+	 <p>Additionally, in order to provide an upgrade path when a
+	 package splits into several packages or has been renamed, some
+	 additional packages have been created. These are "dummy" packages,
+	 empty packages with dependancies that will pull in the new
+	 packages. These "dummy" packages are considered obsolete packages
+	 after the upgrade and can be safely removed.</p>
+	 <p>The following is a list of some of the most noteworthy dummy
+	 packages provided for upgrades from &oldreleasename; to
+	 &releasename;:
+	 <list>
+	 <item>alsa-headers, replaced by libasound2-dev.
+	 <item>freeciv, has been splitted into freeciv-client and freeciv-server.
+	 <item>gimp1.2, replaced by gimp.
+	 <item>gs, replaced by gs-gpl.
+	 <item>plex86, replaced by bochs.
+	 <item>sawfish-gnome, replaced by sawfish.
+	 <item>svgalibg1, replaced by libsvga1.
+	 <item>tuxracer, replaced by planetpenguin-racer.
+	 <item>unarj, replaced by arj.
+	 <item>xlibmesa3, replaced by xlibmesa-dri, xlibmesa-gl and xlibmesa-glu.
+	 <item>xlibs-dev, splitted into different development library packages.
+	 <item>xprt, replaced by xprint.
+	 </list>
+	 <p>Most (but not all) dummy packages description indicate their
+	 purpose. Package descriptions for dummy packages are not uniform,
+	 however, so you might also find <prgn>deborphan</prgn> with the
+	 <tt>--guess</tt> options useful to detect them in your
+	 system. Note that some dummy packages are not intended to be
+	 removed after an upgrade but are, instead, used to keep track of
+	 the given version available for a program through time.</p>
+	 </sect1>
+	 </sect>
 <!-- FJP: Add more info here on dealing with obsolete packages?
@@ -833,6 +942,7 @@
 <sect id="pythonchanges"><heading>Changes to Python packages</heading>
    <p>None of the python2.X packages that are included with &releasename; include
@@ -1187,6 +1297,733 @@
+    <appendix id="detail-removed"><heading>List of obsolete packages</heading>
+<!-- JFS: robster removed this in November but I don't think this is daft.
+     It's just that the change from woody to sarge is so big that the listing
+     is unwieldy. Some users might find it useful, maybe as a separate file ? 
+     If we remove this from the sarge RN we better keep it (commented out)
+     for future RN in which it might be useful to include.-->
+     <p>This section lists the packages that are considered obsolete in
+     &releasename; for different reasons.
+     </p>
+<!-- JFS: robster generated this list september 2004, it should be reviewed.
+     Also, how did he generate the bug listing? The script should be moved
+     into CVS so this task should be automated -->
+     <sect id="removed"><heading>Removed packages</heading>
+        <sect1 id="nomaintainer">
+          <heading>Packages removed because of no maintainer</heading>
+          <p>These are packages which have been removed because no Debian
+          maintainer was interested in maintaining them. The number
+          associated with the bug is included as this provides further
+          information on the reason why the package was removed. To use this
+          number visit the <url id="&url-bts;" name="Bug Tracking System">
+          and do a query based on the bugnumber.</p>
+          <p>The alternatives field lists any packages that might replace
+          the removed package.</p>
+          <p><example>
+	  aethera (152941) 
+	  agsatellite (198449) 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-386 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-586tsc 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-586 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-686-smp 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-686 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-k6 
+	  alsa-modules-2.4.16-k7 
+	  alsa-utils-0.5 (180744) 
+	  althea (215332) 
+	  amp (212115) 
+	  php4-apc (230224) 
+	  axyftp-gtk (192677) 
+	  axyftp-lesstif (192677) 
+	  blackened (175101) 
+	  blatte (188179) 
+	  bnc (206490) 
+	  bonobo-python (190273) 
+	  bpowerd (176326) 
+	  bsd-ftpd (235443) 
+	  btoa (174346) 
+	  ccf (189529) 
+	  cdbakeoven (225804) 
+	  chpp (190836) 
+	  cooledit (229615 93464) 
+	  coolicon (229615 93464) 
+	  coolman (229615 93464) 
+	  smalledit (229615 93464) 
+	  cost (169556) 
+	  cvsup (210708) 
+	  cvsupd (210708) 
+	  cxhextris (150862) 
+	  dstooltk (190836) 
+	  eeyes (170434) 
+	  emacs20-dl (190836) 
+	  emacs-dl-canna (190836) 
+	  emacs-dl-wnn (190836) 
+	  epan (173740) 
+	  epic (184670) 
+	  evas-demo (179909) 
+	  everybuddy-cvs (219322) 
+	  everybuddy (219322) 
+	  figurine (202793) 
+	  filemenu-applet (183883) 
+	  flick (190836) 
+	  font3d (215852) 
+	  g5 (165500) 
+	  garchiver (212383) 
+	  gaspell (184794) 
+	  gbdk (212139) 
+	  gbiff (202576) 
+	  gcardscheme (183238) 
+	  geas (170354) 
+	  ggradebook (162059) 
+	  ghostview (214756) 
+	  gifsicle (212193) 
+	  gilt (204547) 
+	  gimgstamp (161971) 
+	  gkrellm-newsticker (211697) 
+	  glbiff (215847) 
+	  gmail (170637) 
+	  gnap (194311) 
+	  gnapster (185276) 
+	  gnapster-gtk (185276) 
+	  gnome-pm (234004) 
+	  gnosamba (176328) 
+	  gnustep-objc (102734) 
+	  gnut (170436) 
+	  gphone (161708) 
+	  grafix1 (169555) 
+	  grdb-capplet (190192) 
+	  grdb (190192) 
+	  groovycd (215848) 
+	  gsdict (234418) 
+	  gstalker (199243) 
+	  gtk-engines-cleanice (162410) 
+	  gtk-engines-gtkstep (182927) 
+	  gtkfind (138075) 
+	  gtkgraph (202228) 
+	  gtop (205953) 
+	  gtranscript (214756) 
+	  gvid (183628) 
+	  gwm (185757) 
+	  heyu (185031) 
+	  hpscanpbm (192661) 
+	  imgstamp (161971) 
+	  impress (215852) 
+	  ines (190836) 
+	  ipchains-perl (195178) 
+	  ipmi-control (170919) 
+	  kernel-patch-ipmi-kcs (170919) 
+	  iraf-ibin (232472) 
+	  iraf (232472) 
+	  iraf-noaobin (232472) 
+	  jad (214201) 
+	  jdk1.1 (180929) 
+	  jdk1.1-native (180929) 
+	  jikes-1.14 (166445) 
+	  jikespg (190836) 
+	  junkbuster (153494) 
+	  kascade (143759 183298 185017) 
+	  kbackup-multibuf (198554) 
+	  dcopperl 
+	  dcoppython 
+	  kde-designer (179815) 
+	  kdestudio (166840) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-bf2.4 (226442) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20-reiserfs (230021) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-reiserfs (230021) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-reiserfs-i386 (230021) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20-udma100-ext3 (198449) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-udma100-ext3 (198449) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-udma100-ext3-i386 (198449) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-bf2.4 (226442) 
+	  keyboard-led-applet (177353) 
+	  kinkatta (186071) 
+	  kleandisk (159405) 
+	  konverse (166839) 
+	  latte (188177) 
+	  linleech (176327) 
+	  linuxconf (190836) 
+	  lshell (190836) 
+	  lyx-cjk (229864) 
+	  mcvert (212393) 
+	  medusa (200557) 
+	  memopanel (165118) 
+	  mercury (210693) 
+	  mindi-kernel (223993) 
+	  modeline (216827) 
+	  mp3asm (210752) 
+	  mserver (190836) 
+	  multiticker (183245) 
+	  ncps (190810) 
+	  netspades-gtk (200408) 
+	  netspades-server (200408) 
+	  netspades-slang (200408) 
+	  nparted (179468) 
+	  ntaim (197190) 
+	  nvi-m17n-canna 
+	  nvi-m17n 
+	  ocamltk (68066 68175 68313 68643) 
+	  orp (248161) 
+	  pchar (224317) 
+	  pdq (234004) 
+	  xpdq (234004) 
+	  penguineyes (183247) 
+	  penguineyes-gnome (183247) 
+	  peruser (190836) 
+	  pgi (240730) 
+	  php4-ming (166973 166990) 
+	  php-gtk 
+	  pips760 
+	  pips770 
+	  pips800 
+	  pips820-3300 
+	  pm3-boot (129593) 
+	  pm3i386 (129593) 
+	  postilion (184858) 
+	  po-utils (151360) 
+	  power-applet (183888) 
+	  ppxp-applet (183249) 
+	  prime-net (221253) 
+	  python2.2-ming (166973 166990) 
+	  python-expect (198168) 
+	  python-twofish (198168) 
+	  python-xmlrpc (200934) 
+	  kde-theme-qnix 
+	  qpage (202538) 
+	  quadra (192106) 
+	  quickppp (188176) 
+	  quickrecord-applet (164092) 
+	  quickres-applet (183889) 
+	  rrlogind (190836) 
+	  rsynth (213518) 
+	  saml (198449) 
+	  sclient (203554) 
+	  scotty (206279) 
+	  egon (92447) 
+	  siagoffice-plugins (92447) 
+	  tsiag (92447) 
+	  xpw (92447) 
+	  xsiag (92447) 
+	  sinek (189838) 
+	  si (192801) 
+	  sonicmail (183255) 
+	  speaker (225379) 
+	  sted2 (174596) 
+	  stopafter (192658) 
+	  taper (115960) 
+	  tclx8.0.4 (190836) 
+	  tix41 (100085) 
+	  tkmail (190836) 
+	  transformiix (200936) 
+	  tux-aqfh (166977) 
+	  tya (190836) 
+	  uptime-applet (183256) 
+	  urlredir (235291) 
+	  vchkpw (68637) 
+	  vje-delta (201388) 
+	  vlad (229942) 
+	  waba (174579) 
+	  wanpipe (179392) 
+	  wavelan-applet (183890) 
+	  wavtools (200884) 
+	  webbase (187261) 
+	  whirlgif (206112) 
+	  wmcdplay (189819) 
+	  wmppxp (190836) 
+	  wmppxp 
+	  wmxmms-spectrum (201366) 
+	  wn (194026) 
+	  wpac-applet (165118) 
+	  x11iraf (232472) 
+	  xacc-smotif (210676) 
+	  xanim (198449) 
+	  xbreaky (157946) 
+	  xcoral (190836) 
+	  xext (215171) 
+	  xserver-3dlabs (215171) 
+	  xserver-8514 (215171) 
+	  xserver-agx (215171) 
+	  xserver-common-v3 (215171) 
+	  xserver-fbdev (215171) 
+	  xserver-i128 (215171) 
+	  xserver-mach32 (215171) 
+	  xserver-mach64 (215171) 
+	  xserver-mach8 (215171) 
+	  xserver-mono (215171) 
+	  xserver-p9000 (215171) 
+	  xserver-s3 (215171) 
+	  xserver-s3v (215171) 
+	  xserver-svga (215171) 
+	  xserver-vga16 (215171) 
+	  xserver-w32 (215171) 
+	  xftp (190836) 
+	  xinvaders (202791) 
+	  xisp (192679) 
+	  xkbsel (172021) 
+	  xmbase-grok (190836) 
+	  xonix-jahu (188169) 
+	  xotcl (210239) 
+	  xpaste (188180) 
+	  xpm4.7 (226752) 
+	  xpostitplus (231647) 
+	  xtend (220750) 
+	  xtoolplaces (190836) 
+	  xtrojka (156524) 
+	  xtrojka (202792) 
+	  xyoubin (190836) 
+	  youbin-client (190836) 
+	  youbin (190836) 
+	  zebra (208786) 
+          </example></p>
+        </sect1>
+        <sect1 id="no-upstream">
+        <heading>Packages lacking upstream</heading>
+          <p>These are packages which have been removed because they lack an
+          upstream maintainer. The number associated with the bug is
+          included as this provides further information on the reason why
+          the package was removed. To use this number visit the <url
+          id="&url-bts;" name="Bug Tracking System"> and do a query based on
+          the bugnumber.</p>
+          <p>The alternatives field lists any packages that might replace
+          the removed package.</p>
+          <p><example>
+	  admwebuser (182238) 
+	  agbrowser (186398) 
+	  aris-extractor (191255) 
+	  awe-drv (171670) 
+	  awe-midi (171670) 
+	  vkeybd (171670) 
+	  casio (183034) 
+	  cern-httpd (195734) 
+	  cim (220243) 
+	  communicator-base-408 (82083) 
+	  communicator-base-472 (64911) 
+	  communicator-base-472 
+	  communicator-base-473 (64911) 
+	  communicator-base-473 
+	  communicator-base-475 (85050) 
+	  communicator-base-475 
+	  communicator-base-476 
+	  communicator-base-47 
+	  communicator-base-47 
+	  communicator-dmotif-408 (82083) 
+	  communicator-smotif-408 (82083) 
+	  communicator-smotif-472 (64911) 
+	  communicator-smotif-472 
+	  communicator-smotif-473 (64911) 
+	  communicator-smotif-473 
+	  communicator-smotif-475 (85050) 
+	  communicator-smotif-475 
+	  communicator-smotif-476 
+	  communicator-smotif-47 
+	  communicator-smotif-47 
+	  cqcam (233063) 
+	  cucipop (212121) 
+	  d4x-gnome-applet (169444) 
+	  dqs (225049) 
+	  emacs20 (226869) 
+	  ezbounce 
+	  mdidentd 
+	  frad (87949) 
+	  gdkxft-capplet (173651) 
+	  gnome-help 
+	  gnugo-dv (216825) 
+	  grub-client (228277) 
+	  hextype (206128) 
+	  http-analyze (212136) 
+	  iraf-common (85082) 
+	  its4 (206465) 
+	  jserv (153879) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20-ide (140378) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-386-udeb (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-386 (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-586 (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-586tsc (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-686 (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-686-smp (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16 (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-k6 (136668) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.16-k7 (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-386 (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-586 (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-586tsc (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-686 (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-686-smp (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-k6 (136668) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.16-k7 (136668) 
+	  kernel-patch-2.2.17-pc9800 (195567) 
+	  kmago (186488) 
+	  mangoquest (188643) 
+	  marlais (198316) 
+	  merlin-clock (211711) 
+	  kernel-patch-mosix0.98 (130863) 
+	  mosix0.98 (130863) 
+	  muttzilla (217474) 
+	  navigator-base-408 (82083) 
+	  navigator-base-472 (64911) 
+	  navigator-base-472 
+	  navigator-base-473 (64911) 
+	  navigator-base-473 
+	  navigator-base-475 (85050) 
+	  navigator-base-475 
+	  navigator-base-476 
+	  navigator-base-47 
+	  navigator-base-47 
+	  navigator-dmotif-408 (82083) 
+	  navigator-smotif-408 (82083) 
+	  navigator-smotif-472 (64911) 
+	  navigator-smotif-472 
+	  navigator-smotif-473 (64911) 
+	  navigator-smotif-473 
+	  navigator-smotif-475 (85050) 
+	  navigator-smotif-475 
+	  navigator-smotif-476 
+	  navigator-smotif-47 
+	  navigator-smotif-47 
+	  routed (221228) 
+	  netscape-base-408 (82083) 
+	  netscape-base-472 (64911) 
+	  netscape-base-472 
+	  netscape-base-473 (64911) 
+	  netscape-base-473 
+	  netscape-base-475 (85050) 
+	  netscape-base-475 
+	  netscape-base-476 
+	  netscape-base-47 
+	  netscape-base-47 
+	  netscape-dmotif-408 (82083) 
+	  netscape-smotif-408 (82083) 
+	  netscape-smotif-472 (64911) 
+	  netscape-smotif-472 
+	  netscape-smotif-473 (64911) 
+	  netscape-smotif-473 
+	  netscape-smotif-475 (85050) 
+	  netscape-smotif-475 
+	  netscape-smotif-476 
+	  netscape-smotif-47 
+	  netscape-smotif-47 
+	  oneliner (185968) 
+	  opengate (213841) 
+	  opengate-proxy (188910) 
+	  picview (232975) 
+	  qgrid (172134) 
+	  qtcups (194993) 
+	  rumba-manifold-demo (213965) 
+	  rumba-utils (213965) 
+	  rumbaview (213965) 
+	  run (198281) 
+	  smartsuite (184672) 
+	  snap (201461) 
+	  spamfilter (228275) 
+	  stormpkg (198845) 
+	  teknap (229366) 
+	  tracker (231648) 
+	  utah-glx (217146) 
+	  vold (221263) 
+	  word2x (214202) 
+	  xalf (198790) 
+	  xgospel (204203) 
+          </example></p>
+        </sect1>          
+        <sect1 id="removed-other">
+        <heading>Packages removed for other reasons</heading>
+          <p>The reason for the removal of the package is listed below the
+          name of the package. The number associated with the bug is
+          included as this provides further information on the reason why
+          the package was removed. To use this number visit the <url
+          id="&url-bts;" name="Bug Tracking System"> and do a query based on
+          the bugnumber.</p>
+          <p>The alternatives field lists any packages that might replace
+          the removed package.</p>
+          <p><example>
+	  abuse (202384) 
+	  alsa-utils-0.4 
+	  xamixer-0.4 
+	  althea 
+	  amavis-postfix (182493) 
+	  auto-pgp 
+	  bwap (86791) 
+	  bwap-gtk (86791) 
+	  communicator-base-476 
+	  communicator-base-477 
+	  communicator-base-47 
+	  communicator 
+	  communicator-smotif-476 
+	  communicator-smotif-477 
+	  communicator-smotif-47 
+	  cyrus-nntp (86537) 
+	  dbf2pg 
+	  emacs19 (68281) 
+	  everybuddy (105743) 
+	  everybuddy 
+	  fudgit (160547) 
+	  (1:3.0.3ds3-1) gcc-3.0-base (257185) 
+	  gc (202974) 
+	  ghc4 (201308) 
+	  ghc4-prof (201308) 
+	  gkrellm-gnome (183881) 
+	  gnews (183240) 
+	  gnustep-xgps0 (153217) 
+	  gphoto (197290) 
+	  gsmssend (188618) 
+	  gtksql (119055) 
+	  hatman (157940) 
+	  hdate (235496) 
+	  hdlant (206527) 
+	  i386 
+	  ide-smart (191686) 
+	  intel-rng-tools (233485) 
+	  irssi-common (183241) 
+	  irssi-gnome (183241) 
+	  irssi-gtk (183241) 
+	  kab 
+	  kljettool 
+	  klpq 
+	  kpm 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-386 (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-586tsc (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-686 (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-686-smp (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-k6 (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18-k7 (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.4.18 (169720) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20 (159112) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20-compact (159112) 
+	  kernel-headers-2.2.20-idepci (159112) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20 (159112) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-compact (159112) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-i386 (159112) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-ide (139190) 
+	  kernel-image-2.2.20-idepci (159112) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-386 (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-386-udeb (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-586tsc (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-686 (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-686-smp (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-k6 (169720) 
+	  kernel-image-2.4.18-k7 (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-386 (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-586tsc (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-686 (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-686-smp (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-k6 (169720) 
+	  kernel-pcmcia-modules-2.4.18-k7 (169720) 
+	  mkcramfs (188754) 
+	  korinoco (190160) 
+	  kreatecd (190160) 
+	  lanoche (216510) 
+	  lsfcc 
+	  lvs (138769) 
+	  magpie (208950) 
+	  marbles (184837) 
+	  merlin-cpufire (210903) 
+	  mindi 
+	  kernel-patch-mosix (195033) 
+	  mosix (195033) 
+	  mq3 
+	  nano-tiny-utf8 (180019) 
+	  navigator-base-476 
+	  navigator-base-477 
+	  navigator-base-47 
+	  navigator 
+	  navigator-smotif-476 
+	  navigator-smotif-477 
+	  navigator-smotif-47 
+	  nbfc (142112) 
+	  netboot 
+	  netleds-applet (183246) 
+	  netsaint 
+	  netsaint-nrpe-plugin 
+	  netsaint-nrpe-server 
+	  netsaint-plugins (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-extra (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-extra 
+	  netsaint-plugins-fping (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-game (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-ldap (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-mysql (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins 
+	  netsaint-plugins-pgsql (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-radius (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-snmp (232196) 
+	  netsaint-plugins-samba (232196) 
+	  netscape3 
+	  netscape-base-476 
+	  netscape-base-477 
+	  netscape-base-47 
+	  netscape-base-4 
+	  netscape 
+	  netscape-smotif-476 
+	  netscape-smotif-477 
+	  netscape-smotif-47 
+	  nscache (15165) 
+	  nvidia-glx-src (223028) 
+	  nvidia-kernel-src (223028) 
+	  ocamltk (161747) 
+	  omniidl (196203) 
+	  omniorb-nameserver (196203) 
+	  omniorb (196203) 
+	  pcmcia-modules-2.2.20-compact 
+	  pcmcia-modules-2.2.20-idepci 
+	  pcmcia-modules-2.2.20 
+	  pcmcia-modules-2.2.20-reiserfs 
+	  pcmcia-modules-2.2.20-udma100-ext3 
+	  picturebook (196253) 
+	  pike0.6-gdbm (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-gmp (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-gz (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-image (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-mysql (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-perl (196971) 
+	  pike0.6-pg (196971) 
+	  pike0.6 (196971) 
+	  pike7.2-pg 
+	  pike7.5-bzip2 (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-core (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-gdbm (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-gl (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-gtk (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-image (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-mysql (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-odbc (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-pcre (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-perl (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-pg (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-sane (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-sdl (253425) 
+	  pike7.5-svg (253425) 
+	  pike7-crypto (196971) 
+	  pike7-pg (196971) 
+	  pike7-pg 
+	  pike7 (196971) 
+	  pike7-gdbm (196971) 
+	  pike7-gl (196971) 
+	  pike7-gtk (196971) 
+	  pike7-gz (196971) 
+	  pike7-image (196971) 
+	  pike7-mysql (196971) 
+	  pike7-sybase (196971) 
+	  pike-gmp (196971) 
+	  pike-perl (196971) 
+	  mentor 
+	  netobjd 
+	  obliq 
+	  pm3-extra 
+	  pm3 
+	  postfix-snap-ldap (189928) 
+	  postfix-snap-ldap 
+	  postfix-snap-mysql (189928) 
+	  postfix-snap-mysql 
+	  postfix-snap-pcre (189928) 
+	  postfix-snap-pcre 
+	  postfix-snap (189928) 
+	  postfix-snap 
+	  postfix-snap-tls (189928) 
+	  postfix-snap-tls 
+	  python-omniorb (196203) 
+	  python-pyqt (160426) 
+	  python-pyqt-doc (160426) 
+	  rtty (172558) 
+	  sensor-sweep-applet (183253) 
+	  stat (151659) 
+	  tcl8.2 (223749) 
+	  tclx8.2 (223749) 
+	  tkx8.2 (223749) 
+	  tk8.2 (223749) 
+	  trafstats (230105) 
+	  unarj (201169) 
+	  vdkbuilder (235481) 
+	  whiptail-utf8 (196569) 
+	  wmnetscapekiller (173470) 
+	  wxwin2.2-headers (189209) 
+	  xawtv-applet (188572) 
+	  xisp 
+	  xkobo (174680) 
+	  xroach 
+	  zclock (183261) 
+	  zebra-pj (217189) 
+          </example></p>
+        </sect1>
+     <sect id="renames"><heading>Renamed Packages</heading>
+        <p>The following packages have been renamed as shown. In most, if
+        not all, cases, Conflicts:, Replaces:, and Provides: fields (or even
+        dummy packages) have been provided so the new package will either
+        get installed automatically, and/or will safely replace or remove
+        the old one. This also includes packages that have been merged into
+        other packages as this gives the same end result as a rename.
+	<example>
+	battstat-applet ->  gnome-applets
+	dvdplusrw ->  dvd+rw-tools
+	dvipdfm ->  tetex
+	fetchmail-ssl ->  fetchmail
+	freeamp -> zinf
+	ftpfs -> lufs
+	glade-gnome-db -> glade-gnome
+	greg ->  gnustep-guile
+	iiwusynth ->  fluidsynth
+	iv ->  ida
+	jfsprogs ->  jfsutils
+	kernel-patch-2.4-selinux ->  kernel-patch-2.4-lsm
+	legos -> brickos
+	mico-bin ->  mico
+	morse -> unixcw
+	mproc -> mps
+	mps -> openmosix
+	netsaint -> by nagios
+	pd -> puredata
+	pmidi-0.9 -> pmidi
+	ucsc-smartsuite -> smartsuite
+	w3mmee-ssl -> w3m
+	w3m-ssl -> w3m
+	xeuklides -> xeukleides
+	zoggy -> cameleon
+        </example></p>
+        <p>Although we have made every effort to complete this list, it may
+        still not be exhaustive.</p></sect>
+<!--  TBD:
+      <sect id="splits"><heading>Split Packages</heading>
+        <p>Between releases 3.0 (`woody') and  &release; (`sarge'), a number of
+        packages have been split into two or more packages. The reason for
+        these splits, in general, is that the original package provided a
+        diverse set of functionalities, and that few, if any, users used
+        all of these components.Some packages will display a notice
+        warning of the split during the installation, some mention it in
+        the package description, and some just ignore it.</p>
+        <p>If you find that a familiar package is lacking some or all of
+        its functionality, check the list below to see if you need to
+        install additional packages to restore the original functionality. 
+        Failing that, check the changelog for the package, which can be
+        found in
+        <file>/usr/share/doc/<var>package</var>/changelog.Debian.gz</file>.</p>
+        <p>The following is a list of packages that have been split (this
+        list may not be complete):
+        <example>
+        None reported yet!
+        </example> </p>
+      </sect>
+     </appendix>

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