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Re: Sarge Release Notes - Call to update translations

On Tue, May 17, 2005 at 04:32:24PM +0200, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña wrote:
> Let me make a wild guess: since releasenotes.wml depends on release.data
> and on the release info it will only get regenerated when those two are
> changed. However, the new code used for releasenotes.wml tries to second
> guess the release.data information and will _not_ produce hyperlinks to
> documentation if there are no HTML/PDF/TXT files in the expected
> directories. Thus, simply removing the files generation from the DDP CVS
> Makefile and cleaning up old files will make those languages disappear from
> the index (that's what you accomplished)
> However, even if new languages are updated (and are added to the Makefile
> in the CVS DDP so that they are installed in the next run) the wml
> file will _not_ get regenerated (the release.data file has not changed) 
> and the new language will _not_ show up in the index (even if its files are 
> there).

I fixed this by adding the release-notes files to the dependencies
of releasenotes.*.html

> I'd rather have the procedure above, even if it might generate broken links 
> from time to time (if a translation is removed from the CVS DDP Makefile 
> but not from the release.data file), as manual regeneration is not needed 
> at all and the DDP and WWW compilation runs can be done independently one 
> from each other.

My reason that I introduced the file existance check (which can
easily be turned off to get the old behaviour I may add) was
mainly the complexity of the function in question. The old version
has some magic dependent on the name of the files and the name of the
release to determine which links to generate and which not, this is
extremly counter-intuitive and doesn't scale with the number of
releases (the complexity will probably increase linear with the
releases, maybe worse), the new function is more complex but does
scale much better (hopefully the complexity stays nearly constant)

This way it is much easier to add and remove languages temporarily
or even only formats (like PDF) for specific languages without having
to edit both release.data and template/d/release.wml each time.
(In theory at least, the ddp Makefiles need to support removals
of not generated languages first before we can truly achieve this)

Plus I don't like the fact that some languages may be linked but
the user may get them through content-negotiation still. I find
that very confusing...

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
www: http://www.djpig.de/

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