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Re: TeX settings (Re: getting DocBook to print)

On Friday, December 26, A.R. (Tom) Peters wrote:
> ..
> So I edited /etc/texmf/texmf.d/95NonPath 

How did you know to edit the above file instead of editing


> according to the recommendations
> by passivetex author Sebastian Rahtz on
> http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/#body.1_div.3 , and ran
> update-texmf ; which indeed produced a new /etc/texmf.cnf with the proper
> parameter values.  However, running pdfxmltex gave the same error:
> apparently TeX is still using too little memory.
> So how am I supposed to increase the memory assigned to TeX on Debian?
> Note: I don't understand where the 263001 in the error log listed above is
> coming from: the original default is 263000 .  Moreover, the passivetex
> package adds to the texmf.cnf:
>   main_memory.pdfxmltex = 500000
> --
> #>!$!%(@^%#%*(&(#@#*$^@^$##*#@&(%)@**$!(&!^(#((#&%!)%*@)(&$($$%(@#)&*!^$)^@*^@)
> 	Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters

Mark Johnson        <mark@dulug.duke.edu>
Debian XML/SGML     <mrj@debian.org>
Home Page:          <http://dulug.duke.edu/~mark/>
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