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Re: getting DocBook to print

On 2003-12-21 19:46:11 +0000 "A.R. (Tom) Peters" <tpeters@xs4all.nl> wrote:

1) How do I change the default Letter paper to A4, in this particular

Set the paper.type parameter to "A4" when running xsltproc. (Details found in fo/param.xsl)

2) What is the .cfg file that pdfxmltex is missing? Do I need it? What
should be in it?  Where can I find it?

I think it's a chance to give extra options.

3) What goes wrong in the second step and what can I do about it?

That I don't know. Might be a version compatibility problem somewhere. Might be worth asking a tex or passivetex guru.

MJR/slef     My Opinion Only and possibly not of any group I know.
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