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Re: Fwd: Rejecting NM applicant Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com>

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/ Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org> was heard to say:
| [ObPrivate: well, it obviously isn't private, having been crossposted to
| -doc.  It would have made more sense to crosspost to -project.  I wish
| people would cut this shit out.  Crossposting between -private and a
| public Debian list makes *NO* sense.  mark@dulug.duke.edu, I hereby
| smack you.]
| On Mon, Jul 07, 2003 at 09:54:49AM -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
|> 8. Time passed. Eventually weeks passed. I started feeling guilty
|>    about clogging up the process and told Fabio it'd be September at
|>    least before I was able to free up enough time to try again.
|> 9. Fabio suggested that he could either put me on hold or reject me.
|> 10. I wrote back and said, why don't you put me on hold then.
|> 11. Fabio wrote back and said sorry, he'd just rejected me.
| I don't see anything really wrong with the process until that last step.
| Assuming your account to be accurate, I think Fabio's decision to reject
| you after giving you the impression that he cared about your opinion on
| the subject was rude.

Let me repeat publicly what I said in some mail that apparently didn't
go to this list:

  Fabio was not rude. He never once acted in any way that I did not
  think was entirely courteous, sincere, and diligent. We had a little
  bad timing right at the end, but that's just Murphy's Law in action.

  The discussion of my particular application is a tempest in a teapot.
  It cannot possibly have deserved anywhere near the amount of attention
  that it has apparently received.

                                        Be seeing you,

- -- 
Norman Walsh <ndw@nwalsh.com> | Ambition, n. An overmastering desire to
http://nwalsh.com/            | be vilified by enemies while living and
                              | ridiculed by friends when
                              | dead.--Ambrose Bierce
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