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Package Release Management using CVS vendor tracking.

 I've begun to do some research into package release management using
 CVS vendor tracking, and am planning to write down what I learn.  The
 document could become part of the Debian manuals, if it turns out to
 be readable and useful.

 After I work on it some and feel like it's worth looking over, I'll
 submit it to yous for review.  (In the meantime, I'm keeping it in
 the same CVS module as `xemacs21'; I've got secure anon cvs set up
 for that; and there's a copy in my directory on master as well, so if
 you're really curious, you can look at the barren beginnings of it.
 There is deletia still in it.. and lots left to be written.  The
 outline is not even complete yet.)

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