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Manuals.html not building?

There seems to be something wrong with DDP building the HTML versions
of manuals. Again my committed changes are not visible and there seems 
to be nothing wrong with the build results. 

$ cvs status manuals.sgml/system-administrator/backup.sgml 
File: backup.sgml       Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:    1.8
   Repository revision: 1.8
   Sticky Tag:          (none)
   Sticky Date:         (none)
   Sticky Options:      (none)

tale@dilbert /amd/dilbert/export/home/tale/Work/Debian-doc/ddp

Am I doing something wrong? Or is my version of debian-doc-SGML
different from the one in the repository? I have debiandoc-sgml  1.1.6 
and this is a Slink system. I can build system-administrator manual
just fine on my own system. 

Tapio Lehtonen

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