Re: Creating Packages with DebHelper
In article <>, Raphael Hertzog <> writes:
> Le Wed, Nov 11, 1998 at 09:28:22PM -0500, "fantumn \teven
> Baker\<>" écrivait:
>> I was wondering if anything like this exists, or if it is in the
>> making. I dont consider myself to be a good packager, as I was
>> just flying by the seat of my pants during the recent attempts.
> No, it does not exist yet.
>> What I want is either good tutorials on DebHelper, or some really
>> good documentation. If I can get ahold of some documentation, and
>> a few people to bug with questions, I wouldn't mind writing the new
>> tutorial myself, but I need to know how to do it first!
> Good idea !
Yes; I suggest, if you are truly interested, you should join
<>, and post your intentions there, or
better yet, an outline. There *is* other work that has been done, and
other people there who might volunteer to help.
Some feel that we don't have an introductory, HOWTO-style document for
new maintainers. I think this document and the debhelper HOWTO could
be combined. This might be controversial to those who believe that
all '/debian/rules' files should be rolled by hand, or that debstd is
the way to go (a waning few).
However, I feel that debhelper *does* hide a lot of the complexity of
debhelper, and that it's a very good tool for new maintainers to use,
even if they intend to roll their 'debian/rules' files by hand.
.....Adam Di<URL:>
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