Re: more for the tcp/ip section of ddp netadmin
Duncan Thomson wrote:
>is there any chance of write access to the CVS source - although i can't acc
>ess it from here, i can develop and test here, and then transfer to home
> for CVS upload (removing load from you having to apply patches).
Read the CVS page on the DDP site for instructions; then send me a request
telling me the user name and *encrypted* password that you want to use.
>does anyone read this documentation? should i expect comments on what i've
>done unless i explicitly ask for them?
I think the DDP has taken so long to get going that few people look
at it. Once there is good documentation, people will use it!
You need to announce what you are doing to the
list and ask for comments. In general, people will not make unsolicited
comments if something is good, though they are very ready to jump up and
down over things they don't like! That's human nature.
[This reply is copied to the debian-doc list.]
Oliver Elphick
Isle of Wight
PGP key from public servers; key ID 32B8FAA1
"He that loveth father of mother more than me is not
worthy of me; and he that loveth son or daughter more
than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not
his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of
me." Matthew 10:37,38
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