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Re: CVS anonymous access now available

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
> Some of the manual html pages are missing the contents page (index.html)
> but I am not currently able to regenerate them. Can anyone tell me wha
> is going wrong here?:
> $ sgml2html --style=3D3Ddebiandoc meta.sgml
> Processing file meta.sgml
> parse_data: no entity map for `=A9'
> /usr/bin/sgmlsasp: can't open `/usr/lib/sgml-tools/dist/debiandoc/html/de=
> biandocmapping': No such file or directory
> That weird character, for which there is no entity map, is octal 251,
> hex a9.

Well, to start with, with any problems with SGML, it's first a good
idea to make sure that the SGML is valid.  I usually run 'nsgmls -gues
<file>'.  That shows:

nsgmls:meta.sgml:15:0:E: start tag for "TITLE" omitted, but its declaration does not permit this
nsgmls:meta.sgml:15:0: open elements: DEBIANDOC BOOK[1] TITLEPAG[1] (TITLE[1])

You have cruft on line 15 which is illegally appearing before you have
any open tags allowing free text.  Let's comment that out then

bash-2.01$ nsgmls -gues meta.sgml

All is well.

Now secondly, this is debiandoc, not linuxdoc, so you're running the
wrong command. 'sgml2html --style=debiandoc' isn't even documented in
the man page, so I assume it's just not the supported way to do it.
You should run:

bash-2.01$ debiandoc2html meta.sgml

Voila.  All is wonderful.

.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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