Re: Forwarded message re: Doc distribution format
> ------- Forwarded Message
> From: Stefan Karrmann <>
> To:
> Subject: Output formats of documentation
> Distributing the SGML source only is like distributing
> the troff source for man pages. In this system the needed
> formats are constructed on demand an cached in /var/catman.
> Also the TeX fonts are created by kpathsea on demand.
> Such an cache should be provided for the sgml documentation, too.
> As there are many possible formats and many documents, there
> should be a strategy to remove old, unused formats, e.g.
> last recently used, least frequently used or something like this.
I don't think anyone's discussed only distributing SGML source.
Policy itself actually instructs against it.
In the long term, the Debian metadata project could be used as the
basis for an autoconversion system; that is one of it's design goals.
Conversion issues would be settable by "hooking" into either
installation of documents or into "display" of documents (i.e., CGI).
However, we feel that autoconversion is probably not something we'll
start implementing until later this year, perhaps mid fall. Right now
we're focusing on the core metadata, the data model issues, the
element set, and providing good support for systems like dwww or
dhelp, or gnomes info browser whatchmacallit, etc.
If you want to help, please feel free to jump in at
.....A. P.<URL:>
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