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Re^4: non-free and "cd-ok", again

Am 06.07.98 schrieb sr1 # os.inf.tu-dresden.de ...

Moin Sven!

SR> According to my research only 38 out of the 235 packages in non-free
SR> can be distributed commercially. I didn't understand some licenses, so
SR> you might find some more packages.

For example you can distribute most of my non-free packages like doc-html- 
w3, hwb, cecillia, ...

SR> But this is a lawyers job, neither Debian nor most of the CD makers
SR> will have the ressources to find out what the creator of the licenses
SR> wanted to say, what the license says and what other lawyers will read.

I don#t understand that. We already do that for the main part. Where#s the  
problem? The maintainer asks the upstream maintainer, if we#re allowed to  
sell his programm on CD.

Do you think, an upstream maintainer is interested to answer the copyright  
questions of every Debian CD producer?

SR> If we want to make life easier for CD makers we should:
SR> - Convince the authors to change the license.

That is nonsense, for example most american universities use non-free  
license and the author himself could not change the license.

SR> - Support DFSG-free alternatives.

The user should choose if he want to use free or non-free software and non  
the Debian team! As user I need some non-free programms like gs 5.0 or  
spice. And a lot of programms in non-free are relative free.

SR> - Convince the authors to make their licenses more readable.


SR> For most non-free packages the authors are making life difficult for
SR> the cd venders, and Debian (aka we) can't do anything about this
SR> unless the author changes the license.

We shouldn#t force the author to use a special license. That#s very bad!  
The Debian maintainer could suggest to change the license, but in a lot of  
cases this is not possible: patents, etc.

SR> Producing a free Linux distribution makes life easier for cd vendors.

Again, at the moment the user needs non-free packages. This is a fact.

SR> The vendorsdon't need non-free software; some users do. But the users
SR> have to accept that the vendors have to adhere to law.

As a user I wouldn#t buy a main/contrib only CDROM.

cu, Marco

Uni: Budde@tu-harburg.de           Fido: 2:240/5202.15
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