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Re: DDP webpages now at www.debian.org

On 6 Jul 1998, Adam P. Harris wrote:
> > I have set up the CVS tree and submitted the manuals and webpages under
> > it.  It should be available as /cvs/debian-doc on the CVS pserver.
> > However, I have not yet managed to connect to it by that means :-(
> No, well, usually pserver is only used for anonymous access.
> Generally, people want to user client/server with CVS_RSH set to ssh,
> using :ext:.  I've written up documentation for this for the metadata
> spec also, I'll emit another build of that and point you to it.

The problem with ssh in this case is that anyone accessing CVS would need
an account on va, as I understand it. With pserver, it's only necessary to
add them to CVSROOT/passwd, and the individual doc maintainers can do
this without bothering debian-admin. As I understand it that's why the
pserver is used.


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