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Re: Documentation co-ordinator

"Oliver Elphick" <olly@lfix.co.uk> writes:
> treacy@debian.org wrote:
>   >In the list of packages you give below, you list debian-policy,
>   >the packaging
>   >manual and the developers-reference. Those are all on the web pages.
>   >The FAQ is also on the web pages.
> This is so.  I was meaning that these are packages with their own maintainers
> rather than being the direct responsibility of the DDP.

IMHO, all documentation should be packaged as .debs, at least, we
should be trying to get towards this goal.  Of course, it would be
easy to have one big package too, i.e., debian-doc.  Anyhow, in my
vision, the DDP maintainer is only maintainer the shared status areas,
it's the place where documents revert to when they are orphaned, etc.
Rather like the Q&A team for software.

Anyhow, I'll shut up and let other people (Oliver) get their stuff
.....A. P. Harris...apharris@onShore.com...<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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