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Re: Programming Tutorial


At 05:01 PM 6/28/98 -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>	Please look at the following README, and see if you can use
> the information about how to compile the kernel image into a .deb
> file for the tutorial. Actually, there are two documents embedded
> within: the rationale for using kernel-package, and instructions for
> compilation.
>	manoj
>		    Advantages of using make-kpkg
>	            ---------- -- ----- ---------
>	I have been asked several times about the advantages of using
> the kernel-package package over the traditional Linux way of hand
> compiling kernels, and I have come up with this list. This is off the
> top of my head, I'm sure to have missed points yet. Any additions
> welcomed.
>     i) Convenience. I used to compile kernels manually, and it
>        involved a series of steps to be taken in order;
>        kernel-package was written to take all the required steps (it
>        has grown beyond that now, but essentially, that is what it
>        does). This is especially important to novices: make-kpkg
>        takes all the steps required to compile a kernel, and
>        installation of kernels is a snap.
>    ii) It allows you to keep multiple version of kernel images on
>        your machine with no fuss.
>   iii) It has a facility for you to keep multiple flavours of the
>        same kernel version on your machine (you could have a stable
>        2.0.33 version, and a 2.0.33 version patched with the latest
>        drivers, and not worry about contaminating the modules in
>        /lib/modules)
>    iv) It knows that some architectures do not have vmlinuz (using
>        vmlinux instead), and other use zImage rather than bzImage,
>        and calls the appropriate target, and takes care of moving the
>        correct file into place.
>     v) Several other kernel module packages are hooked into
>        kernel-package, so one can seamlessly compile, say, pcmcia
>        modules at the same time as one compiles a kernel, and be
>        assured that the modules so compiled are compatible.
>    vi) It enables you to use the package management system to keep
>        track of the kernels created. Using make-kpkg creates a .deb
>        file, and dpkg can track it for you. This facilitates the task
>        of other packages that depend on the kernel packages.
>   vii) It keeps track of the configuration file for each kernel image
>        in /boot, which is part of the image package, and hence is
>        the kernel image and the configuration file are always
>        together.
>  viii) It allows to create a package with the headers, or the
>        sources, also as a deb file, and enables the package
>        management system to keep track of those (and there are
>        packages that depend on the package management system being
>        aware of these packages)
>    ix) Since the kernel image package is a full fledged Debian
>        package, it comes with maintainer scripts, which take care of
>        details like offering to make a boot disk, manipulating
>        symbolic links in / so that you can make boot loader scripts
>        static (just refer to the symbolic links, rather than the real
>        image files; the names of the symbolic links do not change,
>        but the kernel image file names change with the version)
>     x) There is support for the multitudinous sub architectures that
>        have blossomed under the umbrella of the m68k architecture.
>    xi) There is support there for optionally applying patches to the
>        kernel provided as a kernel-patch .deb file, and building a
>        patched kernel auto-magically, and still retain an UN-patched
>        kernel source tree
>   xii) It allows you compile kernel images for other machines on a
>        central, possibly faster machine, and transport the kernel image
>        and modules in a .deb file.
>		   Disadvantages of using make-kpkg
>		   ------------- -- ----- ---------
>      i) This is a cookie cutter approach to compiling kernels, and
>         there are people who like being close to the bare metal.
>     ii) This is not how it is done in the non-Debian world. This
>         flouts tradition. (It has been pointed out, though, that this
>         is fast becoming Debian tradition)
>    iii) It forces you to use fakeroot or sudo or super or be root to
>         create a kernel image .deb file (this is not as bad as it
>         used to be before fakeroot)
>    $Id: README,v 1.17 1998/05/11 06:54:54 srivasta Exp $
>This is the Debian Linux packaging scripts for the Linux kernel. 
>This package has been put together by Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org>.
>To use this package to create kernel-image packages, you need to get
>the kernel source (available from your favorite Linux archive),
>unpack your kernel somewhere. Preferably somewhere other than
>/usr/src/linux (more on this later).
>Before you go any further, please allow me to point out that you need to
>have a few other packages installed before you can compile your own kernels
>(it is difficult to compile anything without a compiler ;-). 
>Firstly, you will need gcc, the libc development package (libc5-dev or
>libc6-dev at the time of writing), and, on Intel platforms, bin86. [If
>you use the menuconfig target of make, you will need ncursesX.X-dev,
>and make xconfig also requires tkX.X-dev, and other packages these
>depend on]
>The packages suggested are:
>devel:        gcc, libc5-dev/libc6-dev, binutils, make, and, for intel
>              x86 platforms, bin86 (non-intel platforms don't need
>              this).
>interpreters: awk, which is contained in either the mawk or gawk packages
>base:         gzip, shellutils, and grep.
>Some of these packages are marked essential, and hence are going to be
>present on your machine already. Others you have to check and install.
>Of course, pretty gui front ends to kernel configuration require more
>packages, but they are not strictly essential (though quite nice really). 
> For the Brave and the impatient:
>1% cd <kernel source tree>
>2% make config   # or make menuconfig or make xconfig and configure
>3% make-kpkg clean
>4% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_image 
>5% dpkg -i ../kernel-image-X.XXX_1.0_<arch>.deb
>6% shutdown -r now # If and only if LILO worked or you have a means of
>                   # booting the new kernel. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!
> With the addition of fakeroot ( a really nice program, I recommend
> it) Steps 1 to 4 can be carried out as a non root user. Step 5 does
> require root priviledges. 
>Unpacking kernel sources:
>On a debian system, /usr/src/linux always either contains 
>include/{linux,asm} or points to a directory which contains
>those subdirectories, usually a directory with the full kernel
>source or a directory with just the kernel headers.
>Debian has standardized on /usr/src/linux being a link (that is the
>case if you install released debian kernel packages, and has been
>for a while now).
>If you like living on the edge and compiling your own kernel 
>packages ;-), you have to follow the convention of letting
>/usr/src/linux be a link, and unpack the pristine kernel sources
>someplace else.
>Some of the suggestions about where to unpack the kernel packages are
>a) /tmp/linux
>b) /var/tmp/linux
>c) /usr/local/src/<whatever>
>d) /usr/src/linux-X.X.XX; where X.X.XX is the version number of the
>   kernel. Remember to re-link /usr/src/linux to point to this
>   directory, like: (cd /usr/src; rm linux; ln -s linux-X.X.XX) 
>In any case, choose a partition that has a large amount of free space,
>since recent kernels, unpacked, run to about 23MB, and you need more
>than double that in order to create kernel-image, kernel-source, and
>the tar file (that is, if you choose to build everything together with
>the dist target in debian.rules -- say if you want, for whatever
>reason, to run dchanges on the files created). I needed nearly 60MB to
>create the full spectrum of packages for version 1.99.7 (and doubtless
>this size will go up in the future).
>Now, cd linux (wherever you have created the kernel sources).
>The version number is deduced from the kernel Makefile directly. to
>ensure that the version numbers are in sync(1), so you don't have to
>worry about that.
>It has been suggested that you renumber the revision number in such a
>way that a generic kernel image package will not override the custom
>package while using dselect (or dpkg -BOGiE). You may also do this on the
>fly by setting the DEBIAN_REVISION environmental variable.
>The revision number (the argument supplied after the --revision flag)
>has certain constraints: 
>a) It only has an effect during the configure phase (in other words, if a
>   file called stamp-configure exists, this option has no effect -- run
>   make-kpkg clean or manually remove stamp-configure for it to have an
>   effect). So, if you re-run make-kpkg with a different revision number,
>   you have to reconfigure the kernel. 
>b) It may contain only alphanumerics and the characters + . (full stop,
>   and plus) and should contain a digit.  NOTE: No hyphens allowed. (Look
>   at Chapter 5 of the Programmers manual for details). Optionally, you
>   may prepend the revision with a digit followed by a colon (:); this
>   shall put your revision into a new epoch; (which makes older dpkg very
>   confused), more on this later.
>You should _not_ use a "_" in the revision number! As tempting as it may
>seem, it actually interferes with the policy.
>The revision number is required because dpkg imposes an ordering on
>version numbers, so that it can tell whether packages are being up or
>downgraded and so that dselect can tell whether a package it finds
>available is newer than the one installed on the system. Dselect uses
>an option that prevents a package from being downgraded, for example.
>Packaged kernel-images in the distribution also have a version number -
>not at all coincidentally coinciding with the kernel version, because it
>is used to reflect the upstream version number. Note that the kernel
>version is also part of the package's name, thus it appears twice in the
>package's file name. It also gets a debian revision number relating to
>differences in builds. It then looks like: 
>  kernel-image-2.0.29_2.0.29-8.deb
>I've found that using a two-level scheme where the major level starts
>with a letter nicely does the job -- unless epochs are used,
>(--revision custom.Y, so the image package become
>kernel-image-X.X.XX-custom.Y.deb), and dselect and dpkg -BOGiE will
>refuse to downgrade to a generic kernel (don't give the BGO arguments
>to dpkg if you actually do want to downgrade later).
>The reason for telling kernel-package that the package has a version
>is that to dpkg that is always a higher version number than any version
>number starting with a numeral ( eg. "a" > "2" like "b" > "a". ) This way,
>dselect will not try to upgrade your "roll-it-yourself" kernel-image when
>the a new build of the distribution default kernel appears in the archive. 
>Unfortunately, this fails if the upstream maintainer uses epochs to
>correct a version misnumbering;-(. The good news is that you can add
>your own epoch to your customized image, ugly though that may
>be. (--revision 1:custom.Y; the kernel image file shall remain
>kernel-image-X.X.XX-custom.Y.deb, but dpkg shall know that it should
>not replace that with a standard kernel with an epoch. Hopefully, we
>shall never see an epoch greater than 1 on a standard kernel, but who
>knows. Choose your epoch, if you must use it, wisely. I fear, though,
>that with the introduction of epochs in kernel image versions shame
>has entered the garden of eden, and we must forever use epochs to
>guard against forced upgrades.
>So, try using an epoch for your custom packages: 
>  make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision=3:custom.1.0 kernel_image
>And the next time when you build a kernel, because you just bought a new
>soundcard or you discovered that you suddenly want masquerading in your
>kernel enabled, you'll type: 
>  make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision=3:custom.2.0 kernel_image
>When make-kpkg is finished, you'll have 
>kernel-image-2.0.29_custom.1.0_i386.deb and all it takes now is to
>install the package (as root):
># dpkg -i kernel-image-2.0.29_custom.1.0_i386.deb
>This will install the kernel, the modules, the map file and do some other
>administrativia and finally it will ask you if you want to make a
>bootfloppy and if you want to run lilo now. 
>Now, there is a caveat: If you already have kernel 2.0.29 installed,
>and you have a freshly created custom 2.0.29 kernel, just installing
>the new 2.0.29 kernel shall install modules (as it should) in
>/lib/modules/2.0.29, which is where the old modules were! If you have
>added or removed modules relative to the old 2.0.29 kernel (very
>likely if your old kernel was the default gigantic generic kernel),
>then you shall have a mish-mash of modules in /lib/modules/2.0.29 ;-(
>Unfortunately, there is no reasonable solution; I suggest moving the
>old modules directory before installation, like so (need to be root):
>	# mv /lib/modules/2.0.29 /lib/modules/2.0.29.save
>	# dpkg -i kernel-image-2.0.29_custom.1.0_i386.deb
>and later get rid of the .save directory.
>yesPeople who want to have multiple flavours of the same kernel version
>around should look at the file /usr/doc/kernel-package/Flavours.gz for
>details (Note: This involves modifying the kernel sources top level
>Makefile; not recommended unless you are *sure* you need it).
>You may also place long term directives (like your name and email
>address) in the file /etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Putting your name and
>address in that file is a good idea, to remind you that this is not an
>official package, unless, of course, you happen to be the maintainer
>(Hi Herbert). The file /etc/kernel-pkg.conf is actually a Makefile
>snippet included during the kernel packages build process, and hence
>you may put any legal Makefile directive in that file (just make very
>sure you know what you are doing ;-).  
>	At the moment, the user modifiable variables supported are:
>maintainer:	Local kernel-* package maintainer
>email:          The email address of that person.
>pgp:            Name to search for in the pgp database _iff_ separate
>                modules (like pcmcia etc) are being built in
>                /usr/src/modules/*. Can be set from environment
>                variable PGP_SIGNATURE. Defaults to maintainer.
>debian:		The Debian revision of the kernel packages. Can be set
>		from the environment variable DEBIAN_REVISION, defaults
>		to 1.00.
>image_in_boot:	Set to True if you want the kernel image symlink (vmlinuz)
>                in /boot rather than the default /. Can be set from the
>		environment variable IMAGE_IN_BOOT. defaults to undefined.
>kimage:		The kernel image type (i.e. zImage or bzImage). Can be
>		set from the environment variable IMAGE_TYPE. Defaults
>		to bzImage.
>no_symlink      Mutualy exclusive to reverse_symlink. Can be used with
>                image_in_boot. The image is placed in vmlinuz (instead
>                of /boot/vmlinuz-X.X.XX). The old vmlinuz is moved to
>                vmlinuz.old unconditionally. (Normally, that is only
>                done if the version of the new image differes from the
>                old one). This restricts you to two images, unless you
>                take additional action and save copies of older
>                images. This is for people who have boot on a system
>                that does not use symlinks (and say, they use loadlin)
>                This is a Hack.
>reverse_symlink Mutualy exclusive to no_symlink. Can be used with
>                image_in_boot. Just like no_symlink, except that the
>                /boot/vmlinuz-X.XX is sym linked to the real new
>                image, vmlinuz. This too restricts you to just two
>                images unless futher action is taken. The older
>                symlinks are left dangling. This is for people with
>                boot on umsdos, and who can't see the link in dos, but
>                do want to know the image version when in Linux. 
>                This is a Hack.
>patch_the_kernel This is an experts only variable. If set to YES (ENV
>                 variable PATCH_THE_KERNEL overrides this), the build
>                 process causes run-parts to be run over
>                 /usr/src/kernel-patches/$(architecture)/apply 
>                 and (hopefully) reverses the process during clean by
>                 running run-parts over
>                 /usr/src/kernel-patches/$(architecture)/unpatch. This
>                 is still evolving.
>root_cmd         This should be set to a means of gaining super user
>                 access (for example, `sudo' or `fakeroot') as needed
>                 by dpkg-buildpackages's -r option. Ths is only
>                 relevant for the buildpackage taregt, when it is used
>                 to call dpkg-buildpackage with the proper
>                 options. The environment variable ROOT_CMD over-rides
>                 this.
>do_clean	 Set to anything but YES, this shall forego the make
>                 clean done in the kernel source tree after building
>                 the kernel image package. The environment variable
>                 CLEAN_SOURCE over-rides this.
>make_libc_headers  This is meant to be used by the libc6 maintianer,
>                   when he compiles libc6, to also package up the
>                   corresponding headers. DO NOT SET THIS as a
>                   mismatch between the headers you package and libc6
>                   may well create a subtle instablity in all code
>                   compiled on your machine. You have been warned. The
>                   environment variable MAKE_LIBC_HEADERS over-rides
>                   this. 
>The value of a variable can be set so: 
>  a) Defaults exist in the rules file. These are the values used if no
>     customization is done.
>  b) Variables can be set in the config file /etc/kernel-pkg.conf. 
>     These values over ride the defaults.
>  c) Variables can also be set by setting a corresponding environment
>     variable.  These values over ride the config file and the defaults
>  d) Using make-kpkg options, or, if using the rules file directly, on 
>     command line ( # xxx/rules DEBIAN_REVISION=2.0a kernel_image). This 
>     over rides all the above methods.
>Please see kernel-pkg.conf (5).
>To generate a new kernel image, just run
>% make-kpkg clean
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision custom.1.0 kernel_image
>This will create a default kernel image (as in the image package or
>available on the boot disks.  The kernel image package produced will
>offer you a chance to create a boot disk, or to run LILO, but the
>default is not to do either, and you may choose to ignore these
>friendly overtures by the postinst.
>If you want a custom kernel, you may generate a config file by any of
>these methods (just follow the directions).
>% make config          # Boring old tty based method
>% make menuconfig      # curses based menu driven method (uses color if 
>                         you have any)
>% make xconfig         # An X window system based method -- make sure
>                         you are running X windows when you call this.
>All these methods ultimately generate a .config file.  If you already 
>have a .config file, just copy it to this directory, and you are go.
>With a custom .config file in place (created as above) run again:
>% make-kpkg clean
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision custom.1.0 kernel_image
>To create a source or header package, run
>% make-kpkg clean
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision custom.1.0 kernel_source
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision custom.1.0 kernel_headers
>Note: You only need one of these.
>Similarly, the documentation package is built by:
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision=custom.1.0 kernel_doc
>Or if you want to generate the whole package, 
>% make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision custom.1.0 \
>            -pgpsign "Your pgp id" buildpackage
>Note that this needs a pgp key.
>A note on LILO: the kernel-image install-scripts arrange to have
>/vmlinuz and /vmlinuz.old point to the latest kernel image and the
>next most recent one, respectively.  You may choose to have LILO take
>advantage of this by putting image = /vmlinuz and image = /vmlinuz.old
>lines in your lilo.conf (please read documentation on LILO for
>Conversely, people who wish to tightly control the versions in
>LILO.conf (believe me, people, this gets to be a pain in the neck
>fast) can use image = /boot/vmlinuz-X.X.XX.
>So that loadlin people don't feel left out, all this talk about LILO
>does not mean to ignore loadlin, you can use the generated
>kernel-image just as easily (simply ignore the fol-de-rol with sym
>links in /). for instance, you could:
> [1]# dpkg -BRGiE kernel-image-X.X.XX, # need to be root
>        and then
> [2]% cp /boot/vmlinuz-X.X.XX <place where loadlin needs image>
> [3]% echo '' > /boot/vmlinuz-X.X.XX
>        So you don't have the image taking up space, but still leave a
>target for the /vmlinuz symlink.
>Have fun,
>	Manoj Srivastava
>Foot note 1:
>  For an explanation on why this synchronization is required, consider
>  this. The kernel knows what version it is, as given in the kernel
>  Makefile as the variables VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, and SUBLEVEL. It will
>  look for the modules in /lib/modules/$VERSION.$PATCHLEVEL.$SUBLEVEL.
>  The debian scripts think they know what the kernel version is, as
>  given in the Debian file rules as the variable v (near the top). It
>  then proceeds to put the modules in /lib/modules/$v.  So, it is
>  essential that the kernel (Makefile) and the Debian script (rules)
>  agree about the version number, or the kernel will never figure out
>  where the Debian scripts hid the modules. So change the version
>  number in the file rules (v = X.X.XX) to be the same version as
>  given in the kernel Makefile (this will be
>Manoj Srivastava                        <srivasta@debian.org>
>PGP Key ID: 1024/C7261095 
>Key fingerprint =  CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E 
>Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
>Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05  CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E
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